Appointment at Breast Clinic today

Hi I’m another newbie, I’ve got my appointment at the breast clinic this afternoon after being referred by my doctor.  I’ve had to wait since 11 October and I’ve been fine up until last night, I’ve had very little sleep and could burst into tears right now.  I’ve been through every scenario in my mind thinking the worst of course.  I’ve just got one quick question if they need to do more invasive tests will they do them today and do you get the results today as well, I’ve been told it’s a one stop clinic but my appointment in as 3.20pm which makes me think after initial scans they might ask me to come back again. 

Hello Bendym

Welcome to the forums.

Whilst waiting for replies maybe you would like to talk things through with a member of our helpline staff who are there to offer emotional support as well as practical information. The free phone number is 0808 800 600 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00 to 5.00 and Saturday 10.00 to 2.00.

best wishes

June, moderator

Hello Bendym,


I’m so sorry you are going through this worrying time right now. If when you have your ultra sound scan they see something suspicious or worrying, they SHOULD do a biopsy there and then. I don’t know how a one stop clinic works with respect to giving you any answers as the sample they take has to be examined in the path lab to find out exactly which type of cancer it is, and whether there are any receptors. But they should be able to tell you whether or not they think it is cancer. Some lumps aren’t and you should find that out there and then if it isn’t cancer.


The waiting is the worst time of all, and if it does turn out to be cancer, a treatment plan will be put into place as soon as they know the type and any receptors. When you find out your plan, it will make you feel more in control.


Sending hugs and wishing you good luck for this afternoon.


poemsgalore xx



Just got home and very relieved to say all is fine, I have three very small cysts. :smileyhappy: Had to have the mammogram done twice which made me panic.  The whole appointment from seeing consultant and then having a mammogram, ultra sound back to consultant took around 3 hours in all.  I feel physically drained now but so relieved. Everyone at the Breast Clinic were so kind and caring that I can thank them enough for reassuring me throughout.  My best wishes to everyone who has to go through this experience, my thoughts are with you.  Take care.



I am also fairly new on this forum as I have seen the Breast Surgeon two weeks ago,  and yesterday had a mammogram, scan and also a core biopsy. I must say I was very worried about the whole procedure but came through OK. I wont lie to you and say it wasnot sore, because it was sore and very uncomfortable and I could not help crying with pain. BUT you need to remember we not all the same, for some of us the pain is not so bad. I don't think the doctor allowed the anesthetic to work properly before he started. I am now just waiting for the 6th November 2013 for the prognosis. Im holding thumbs it will all be good news.


I wish you all the best for your appointment, and just know you will come through the procedure just fine. 


All the best.
