Appointment brought earlier after mammogram

Hi everyone
I was diagnosed with dcis which hormone responsive last month. I had a biopsy to take it out, but unfortunately they lost the marker. I could not have another mammogram until yesterday as I had an heamatoma and they had to wait until
The bruising went down. My next appointment to discuss the results was meant to be 10th February, but I got the call today that they want to bring the appointment earlier so it is going to be on Monday 27th jan. does that mean it’s bad news.
I do not have my bloods tested to check my hormone levels until the 6th feb as I had the mirena coil in. Today I got my period, so it looks like I still have hormones in me. Will they want to put me on the blockers asap and that could be a reason.

I have only just come to terms with my diagnosis and now I feel I’m back at the start catastrophising about it all


Hi and welcome

The 10th February seems a very long time to wait. I had to wait 6 weeks for my initial appointment, but was seen two weeks later for results. And every other “thing” seemed to be two weeks later - whether that was deliberate or coincidence, I don’t know.

It’s very possible they have noted the time scale, and managed to fit you in earlier. If they do have something more urgent to discuss with you, then it’s good that they are making plans to see you sooner.

Regarding hormones, I was told to get Mirena removed immediately, think that is standard policy with any hormone cancers and started hormone therapy about 8 weeks after my last surgery. There are lots of factors, they take into consideration, don’t be afraid to ask questions or ask them to go over it again.

Best wishes x


Thank you. I got my coil removed the day after my dcis diagnosis in December. I have to say I’m really upset that my period came today with the cancer being ev. Just feel at 52 years old I shouldn’t be getting them anymore.
They said that I would be having my mammogram this week and then see me on the 10th. So I had the mammogram yesterday and today they say they want to see me on Monday. Just feel it is so urgent and that there is something wrong.


I’m 50 and have PCOS so the coil gave me several years of bliss in that area! But needs must. Im pre-menopause so I’m having Zoladex to fast forward menopause.

You know the waiting is the worst, and in some ways bringing your appointment forward can be a benefit. It means you get the answers quicker, not weeks of waiting, and they can discuss a treatment plan. It’s probably hard to believe right now, but having answers somehow takes away part of the anxiety. It’s hard to put in words, and certainly an emotional roller coaster.

Let us know how you get, and remember we are all here for support x


I’m so sorry that you’re going through this @cjh1876. Catastrophising is a reaction many here will be able to identify with.

I hope that you are getting on OK after your appointment yesterday. Please know that the forum is always here for you.

We have some resources on our website about dealing with stress and anxiety that you may find helpful: Stress and anxiety after a breast cancer diagnosis | Breast Cancer Now. Macmillan also offer free counselling, if that’s something you’re interested in helping you during this difficult time: Free counselling for people with cancer | Macmillan Cancer Support.

Thinking of you,