My appointment at the Breast Clinic is in 2 days. I am scared stiff . I have 2 bumpy hard lumps and will hopefully know what they are soon. I will come back here Monday and let you all know what the results are.
Thankyou, Emma
My appointment at the Breast Clinic is in 2 days. I am scared stiff . I have 2 bumpy hard lumps and will hopefully know what they are soon. I will come back here Monday and let you all know what the results are.
Thankyou, Emma
Hi Emma,
I’m sure your fellow forum users will be along soon to offer you some much needed support, but if you need to talk to someone in confidence then the helpline is open again on Monday morning at 9am. Calls are free 0808 800 6000.
Take care,
Jo, Moderator
Hi Emma
I am so sorry that you find yourself in this situation. You are doing the right thing by going to the clinic, no matter how scary it seems. Hopefully they will find that your lumps are benign, but if not, once you know what you have and a treatment plan is in place, you won’t feel so scared. I’m sending you big hugs and positive thoughts for tomorrow and will look out for your post tomorrow too.
Good luck
Poemsgalore xx