Im 29 and around 1 week 5 days ago i went to the doctors with a lump i had felt in my breast, tenderness under my armpit and fatigue.
I noticed the lump around 4 weeks ago however stupidly i probably hadnt checked my breasts around 3 months properly prior to that.
I was expecting to go to the doctor and her tell me she couldnt feel anything. However she did and put through the 2 week breast clinic appointment.
Iv noticed another little raised bump at the side of my breast and also one underneath my breast. These feel pea like. The one at the top of my breast feels flat and like a hardened area.
I have been getting alot of pain in my shoulder blade, side of my neck and under my armpit since.
I am really struggling worrying about the appointment, just wanted any experiences if possible.
Thank you xx
This is a very scary time but you will find they will be very thorough at your appointment. You will probably have a breast examination again and then be scheduled for tests like a mammogram, possibly an ultrasound, possibly simple biopsies, depending on what they want to investigate. If the consultant is fairly certain, they will tell you they are looking at breast cancer BUT it’s important to remember that the vast majority of breast lumps turn out to be benign, so, hard though it is, try to believe there are alternatives to the worst case scenario. I had a large breast lumps in my early thirties which the consultant immediately identified as a fibroadenoma (lump of gristly tissue - do NOT Google. Don’t google anything - it’s the worst thing you can do for your mental health right now).
After that, I’m afraid it’s more waiting, possibly a week or so, to get your results.
So - on the bright side, they may feel, explore and announce there’s probably nothing to worry about OR, on the less bright side, they may feel, explore and hum and haw and want further tests. Worst case will be if they know from their experience that it’s very likely to be breast cancer and the tests will confirm that fact. If it is that, don’t berate yourself for such a short delay.
You are likely to imagine all sorts of extras now the seed has been sown in your mind but generally breast cancer lumps are painless and breast cancer brings with it no other symptoms. Your doctor is likely to have noticed all that was noteworthy. Much of the discomfort comes from the compulsive poking and prodding to see if it’s still there or of it’s changed (unlikely in such a short time). Try to relax and do things that will take your mind off it. It IS possible - running, baking, mindfulness, whatever helps you. I’m a big fan of the YouTube relaxation/self-hypnosis videos - they saw me through all the months of treatment and still help, especially with sleep.
I wish you all the best and hope your fears are allayed. Jan x