Appointment tomorrow

Its been a long time coming but by this time tomorrow i will at least have seen the consultant.
Not sure what i am going to do with myself as my appointment isnt until 3.15pm, probably going to be a bit tetchy, fingers crossed for a harmless cyst!

praying for you sweet flossyplops i cert hope it is good news for you hon, still waiting to hear from rosamund and dolphinac who had their appt yesterday

i,m still praying for them
love to you

Good luck for tomorrow and everything crossed for you.

Take care and try a little goody shopping to pass the time away till appointment.

claire x

Hi heidi,

just caught up with your thread. Sorry if I’ve missed you already but I wanted to wish you well for your appt later today,

I certainly have my fingers and toes crossed that the news for you is good and it is, as you say, a harmless cyst,

Take care and be sure to let us know how you get on,


Good luck for your appointment later today Heidi. I hope you aren’t kept waiting too long.
Take care
Love Anthi x

Hi Heidi, Good Luck with your appointment, I really hope its good news for you.

Heidi - GOOD LUCK tomorrow - do let us know how it goes.