April 2024 chemo starters

Thanks @ivy-cat hope you get on Ok with your pic line xx


Got to go and have an x ray to see whatā€™s going on with my picc line. Itā€™s working fine but they just want to check itā€™s not kinked or pushing further into my heart. Thereā€™s always something!


Hc1973 great photo :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Yeah Iā€™m due to start Docetaxel on Friday so just a bit behind a few of you on starting it! Strangely enough my 4th round of EC is the best Iā€™ve felt since chemo started so itā€™s been nice to have more time feeling normal before my next chemo/starting the new one as I was finding getting it every 2 weeks was getting quite challenging. Really feeling grateful for it as it feels like itā€™s given me a mental reset ahead of the new regime in case that knocks me for sixšŸ™ˆ

Hope everything goes ok with your PICC line!

Glad to see folks liked the post I shared - the kale bit made me laugh toošŸ˜‚

@hc1973 you look amazing - great photo of you both!


You look incredible šŸ©· hope your X-ray goes ok and itā€™s nothing serious :crossed_fingers: x

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Good for you! Iā€™d have done the sameā€¦.in fact I did do the same when the Rep from the kitchen supplier came round to ā€œinspectā€ our units, which have paint chipped within a year of installationā€¦theyā€™ve taken 8 months to reply and have been really unhelpful so I sat on the sofa with my bare head explaining that when I first made the complaint ā€œnone of this had startedā€ :joy::joy: Theyā€™ve agreed to replace the whole island :+1:t3:


@belle1 thank you for this - so relatable!

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@hc1973 thats a fabulous photo! You look amazing and I hope you had a good time - Iā€™m very envious as you clearly go to more glamorous parties than I do :rofl:


Welcome @pinklady2 to this wonderful group, it really is a lifeline at times. I never dreamt Iā€™d ever feel comfortable talking on a forum but these ladies are amazing.
@ivy-cat hope everything is ok with your PICC line xxx
@belle1 loved the post you shared, so relatable and also found the kale fit so funny xx
@ivy-cat totally understand the feeling slightly normal towards end of cycle, gives us a glimpse of what normality feels like. As much as tomorrow is my last chemo Iā€™m more anxious this time as I know how unwell I felt after the last one.
To everyone else Iā€™ve missed out totally understandable the feeling of being questioned or the stares. I live in a small village where everyone knows everyone so for the past 5 months I drive to a village 4 miles away to shop lol. Itā€™s not that Iā€™m embarrassed or anything itā€™s just I feel every time I have to answer questions itā€™s like reliving it everyday. My family laugh at me and say I like living in my own wee bubble :joy:
Hope everyone is keeping well, just had my last bloods done for final chemo tomorrow :crossed_fingers:all goes ahead. For anyone else having chemo this week good luck, sending hugs to you all :sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::sparkling_heart::gift_heart::gift_heart:


@ivy-cat All the best, good to have it checked x

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Best of luck for tomorrow @pollyanna1,last one :clap::clap:


Hope it goes okay for you. :crossed_fingers:t2:


What a dayā€¦ my thrombophlebitis has been painful and started swelling yesterday. Went to A&E last night and they werenā€™t sure what was wrong and couldnā€™t ultrasound as out of hours so was sent home and told to keep an eye on it as was seeing my own oncologist this morning. Overnight very painful, more swollen and red. Seen my oncologist and looks like my phlebitis is infected (in that vein) so have been put on antibiotics. Forearm is like popeyes :joy::woman_shrugging:t2: theyā€™ve doodled on my arm circling the red area and if thereā€™s no improvement by my bloods on Thursday chemo is off for Friday. I also havenā€™t had a heart scan as they forgot to order it so theyā€™re trying to urgently get me in for one in the next couple days as I canā€™t start the Docetaxel without it :pensive: not convinced this will be happening on Friday!!

If it does, what times did you take your steroids the day before Docetaxel? Iā€™ve to take 4 tablets twice a day but have had differing advice on times to take them


Thanks. The redness is way outside the boundaries she drew earlier and the swelling is still goingā€¦. Praying the antibiotics work quick as the pain is awful! Hope your stomach starts to settle soon too :grimacing:


@belle1 that sounds awful - hope it clears up. Iā€™ve had pretty grotty day - woke up with horrendous jaw pain, couldnā€™t really open my mouth, and really off my food today. I too needed to be close to loo as Taxel trots has hit :see_no_evil: Did manage to get to PICC clinic without any disasters, but went back to bed when I got back in.


:heart: please check directly with your team about your meds. Explain to them youā€™ve had conflicting information and want to be 100% sure you are taking correctly :heart: always best to double check with your team :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Belle1 go to the pals office at your trust if you continue to be given conflicting information by your team or ask to speak to your oncologist via his secretary about your concern with conflicting information about your meds. In my experience the secretaries who work for consultants are highly experienced helpful compassionate assistants who will help you get correct information if you yet again get conflicting instructions from team also the pharmacist you are getting the meds from should clearly be able to advise how and when to take your meds :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Sounds awful, hope itā€™s something they can sort quite quickly for you :crossed_fingers:
Regarding steroids before treatment I take mine 2 tablets in the morning when I wake and 2 tablets at lunch time as advised by my chemo nurse in the hope I can get some sleep, šŸ©·


@belle1 this sounds awful, hopefully youā€™re sorted by Friday and you get to go go ahead with your chemo :sparkling_heart:


Thank you xxx

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