April 2024 chemo starters

@swk1981 keep taking it easy, you have been through so much so far. I hope you enjoyed the LGFB workshop - if it makes you feel any better, I was 59 (and being treated for breast cancer :wink:) before I learnt how to do my make up :sweat_smile: and have used more in the past month than the rest of my unglamorous life :hugs:


@ivy-cat I too stuck with the cold cap for 4 cycles of EC but started shedding between 2 and 3, accepting that it hadnā€™t worked for me was very hard. I do have a great wig and feel very confident going out in that, my family and friends all reinforce how great it looks and am frequently complimented by others who donā€™t know my situation (which is just bizarre :exploding_head:) Over time it has got easier and Iā€™ve done various workshops about scarves etc. Thereā€™s no choice but to learn to accept the situation and hope re-growth is as good as @swk1981 and @elle16 - Iā€™m so jealous!!


I seen this before on the Paxman Facebook page:

Hopefully itā€™s just a bigger shed before it settles. I had a big shed after my second EC and itā€™s calmed down a lot since ā€¦. Iā€™ve got the same fear for Docetaxel once I start it so had screenshotted that to remind myself itā€™s normal to have a ā€˜big shedā€™ each time you change drugs. Will keep everything crossed for you!

(PS Iā€™m not sure I can afford another shed as big as on EC that time as my hair literally matted as so much came out at once but Iā€™ll remain hopeful for us :wink: )

Hi @kartoffel ive checked my app and my last blood results were updated 22nd may :woman_facepalming:, think that might of been at a doctors appointment so donā€™t think they get updated unless someone goes on to check which is bizarre in my opinion,
But the hospital did ring this afternoon to say my neutrophils are 2.5 so I need to carry on with the injections for the next 3 days, would be easier if they updated my app x

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Iā€™m so sorry in advance everyone but I have a poo question for those whoā€™ve done Docetaxel.

Obviously the 2 week diarrhoea was a big feature of my neutropenic sepsis and it never fully stopped before this cycle. Just lessened to non-urgent status.

Itā€™s back with a vengeance this time and Iā€™ve been probably 8/9 times today and itā€™s now hit the explosive lava stage and lots of abdominal cramping.

Has anyone else had this as a normal sign. Not sure whether this is what everyone gets (but I had it longer last time due to being so unwell) OR whether I should call it in?

Temp spiked briefly this afternoon to 37.6 but 20 mins later was normal without analgesia so probably a blip.

Mouth is sore but not infected sore and nothing else that I would say is alarming.

Just would like to know if anyone else has had temporary lava poop on Docetaxel for a day or two and if thatā€™s your normal. If so, Iā€™ll just see how I am tomorrow. Donā€™t want to have to go in and them say diarrhoea is normal and Iā€™ve just hung out in bacteria hell for nothing. Xx


@belle1 - thank you so much for this! Iā€™ve not got any bald patches (yet) but itā€™s definitely getting thinner. I was hoping docetaxel would be less harsh than EC but maybe not. As long as I can get through to the end and keep a decent amount of hair Iā€™ll be happy x


@swk1981 - I phoned the emergency helpline once I had more than 5 episodes of diarrhoea a day ( I was also having to get up in the night) they made me do a stool sample just to rule out an infection but it was clear. I did read on here last week that taking Imodium half an hour before eating (rather than after eating as suggested) can really slow down the gut and help it ease off - so that could be worth a try? Sounds like you are really going through it again, you poor thing!

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@swk1981 Iā€™ve had 4/5 episodes in a day, but Iā€™ve used immodium, as Iā€™ve been going out and not close to a loo. My traffic light alert card says 4+ episodes to phone. Are you managing to get enough fluid in to replace what youā€™re losing? Hugs xx

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@belle1 thatā€™s not encouraging for changing to Docetaxel :woozy_face: so could get a major shed just as Iā€™m finishing :woozy_face:oh isnā€™t this journey fun- not :confused:


@gromit12 @ivy-cat Thank you. Iā€™ve just sent a text to the 24 hour line about it. Iā€™m now at poop number 10 and itā€™s urgent and explosive so better to be safe than sorry.

Iā€™m not sure I ever said but, when I was in hospital last time, I literally woke up covered in diarrhoea. It was the ultimate lowest point of chemo! The nurse had to help shower me because I could barely stand. Hence my absolute fear of diarrhoea as a side effect!

This diarrhoea is exactly how my neutropenic sepsis started last time. Urgh. Iā€™m not unwell like I was then though. X


@swk1981 ive not had any sloppy poos this time or last, I did manage to poop normally for the first time with my last cycle but this time Iā€™m back to being constipated, feel like I give birth every time I go to the loo :poop: hope they ring you back soon and hopefully a poo sample will put your mind at rest xx

@swk1981 if I was you I would phone up itā€™s better to call in and check. I hope you feel better soon.

@ivy-cat sorry to hear about your hair, itā€™s horrible isnā€™t. When mine all came out I ended up shaving it off and actually felt better in a weird way. I think itā€™s very hard when itā€™s shedding so much. I hope you are feeling OK after your docetaxal yesterday. You are allowed to be whingey as the whole situation is pants! Sending Big hugs xx

@gromit12 i hope your jaw and bone pain has improved today x

EC now completed so off tomorrow morning for my Abraxane chemo fingers crossed no reaction.

hope everyone else is OK sorry I canā€™t remember everyones names but Iā€™m sending virtual hugs to everyone! Helen x


Good luck for tomorrow xx

@hc1973 Helen :crossed_fingers:for tomorrow. Hope you get some sleep. Laura x

Oncology nurse on phone to my consultant and then calling me back. Theyā€™re semi-concerned but not insanely so. Iā€™ve drunk 3L today thank goodness!

Very scared to fart though! :joy:


@ivy-cat and @belle1

I have finished 4 x AC and started paclitaxel with cold cap. I thought it was meant to be easier on hair but two weeks in and the shedding is pretty heavy every day - one big handful! Still hanging in there but hair is getting very thin. Not sure I will have enough to last 3 more sessions.

Does anyone know if it will slow down on paclitaxel? Thought this was meant to be lighter than docetaxel but guessing not, as my cold cap time is 30 before and 90 so maybe itā€™s as harsh as AC?

Very hard as I hate cold capping as it makes me so sick. But will do anything to try and keep my hair! Tormenting myself slowly here!

Any advice appreciated, thanks

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:heart:the moving forward course both online and in person has helped lots of people, sometimes people get what they need for themselves after one day of the course and others stay for the 2 days :heart: I know lots who attend stay in touch with each other after the course and itā€™s up to you how much you share within the safe environment of the moving forward course as you all listen, support and share any tips that work for you as you move forward that might help someone else whoā€™s there :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

Morning, how you feeling @swk1981 ? Did they ring you back?
@hc1973 just wanted to let you know Iā€™m thinking of you today and sending lots of love , hope everything goes as smoothly as it can for you xxx

Thanks @elle16 and @gromit12 just leaving now. Hope you both managed a good night too

I hope @swk1981 you got a call back and everythingā€™s OK

Helen x


Good luck @hc1973! Really hope it goes well for you x

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