April 2024 chemo starters

Boo! I had my oncologist meeting and apparently my bloods are out of whack (neutrophils in particular, but various other things out of range too) so round 6 is not happening this Friday. I’m really quite disappointed as just so want to get on with this and reach the end asap. They’ve taken some more blood to investigate what’s happening.
And to make matters worse they have put me back on those blasted bone injections today to help me recover. Argh!!! And then 7 instead of 5 for my last two rounds.


@isthisreal - oh no, sorry to hear that, I would feel frustrated too, especially as it is your last chemo! I really hope that everything gets back on track so you don’t have to wait much longer :crossed_fingers:


Sorry to hear this @isthisreal as I know it’s one of the things we all dread. Another hurdle for you, but you’ll get there soon :relieved:


Aw sorry to hear that. I hope they get to the bottom of it and you can get it again soon. Even though we know there can be delays it’s still always disappointing when it happens :smirk:


@isthisreal so sorry that this has happened - everything is so unpredictable isn’t it. I’m hoping cycle 5 goes ahead for me tomorrow. Just been to one of the Look Good Feel Better workshops - so impressed with it and the goody bag awesome. As someone who never wears makeup really informative too- I now have eyebrows as I now know how to do it!!! Did make me realise how many eye lashes I’ve lost though. But so nice to have a morning not pretending, as everyone in same situation. Highly recommend. Laura xx


Isn’t it amazing how we all have such different treatment! I never have the day before steroids, just the day, and 3 days after. And I’ve always had 7 days of filgrastin injections from day after chemo


Thanks everyone for your messages. I wasn’t expecting it at all as I feel no worse than usual. I know it’s only a week but so desperate for this to end, and it now means I’ll have my final treatment during school summer holidays which is less ideal.
Sadly not my final one as for some reason I’m having 7 rounds (not sure why when most of you on ECT seem to have 6), so 2 more to go.


Also has anyone else has found more lumps in cancery boob during chemo?
I found one immediately after my last oncologist appointment 3 weeks ago, but it hadn’t been spotted during the physical exam then. I rang the team and they said it could wait for 3 weeks till my next oncologist appointment. I had a different oncologist examine me today who said there were no new lumps. So I put his finger on the new lump and he was very sheepish and said oh right you should have an urgent ultrasound for that.
So that’s 2 oncologists who missed it, and I’m worried I was told by my team to wait 3 weeks but it’s now urgent. I really am praying it’s nothing nasty.


@isthisreal oh what a nightmare you’re having. :crossed_fingers:You get an ultrasound really quickly. They found a lump in my other boob on MRI pre chemo which couldn’t be felt or seen on mammogram but on biopsy was benign but still needs removing :scream:


I haven’t, but sorry to hear you’ve found something else! It’s a good job you’re on top of it and have been at them about it though as that’s quite odd. I actually have only had one physical exam from my oncologist to just check my existing lump and not the rest of my breast since this chemo started (so I’ve seen them 4 times now and have been checked once) so have been keeping an eye out myself too. I had another mammogram and us a couple weeks ago and there was nothing else in cancer book but normal boob wasn’t scanned so still checking that too as I’m paranoid and have heard other similar stories! I think it’s probably been marked as urgent now as they’ve dropped the ball and not got it checked 3 weeks ago when you first told them🙈 plus it’s best to do it quickly to see what you are dealing with moving forward as I’m sure they won’t want to hold up any treatment whilst they check


@gromit12 - hope your chemo goes well today x


What a worry for you @isthisreal - and you really don’t need it on top of everything else. Let’s hope they’re treating it as urgent because they didn’t deal with it initially and that it won’t be anything sinister x


Chemo 5 done :+1:and all went smoothly today :blush:the oncologist had written me up for ondansetron along with the dexamethasone, and the dexamethasone was given more slowly. Couldn’t have the zolendronic acid infusion as planned as I’m deficient in vitamin D so have a 6 week course of that to take!!! And they’ve sent me home with 3 days of double dose dexamethasone so there’ll be no sleep for me for a couple of days!! :scream:Duracell bunny here we come!


hope you are all enjoying the sunshine! I just had my first Dosetaxel, now nervously waiting for something to happen…I dont know what though. I was really nervous of changing from EC to this so I am expecting the worst.

Also had a surprise Phesgo injection in my leg, first of a years worth! Would have been nice to know beforehand!! Anyone else having this, and how is it going??

Mandy x

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Having same as you- 2nd Docetaxel and herceptin today. I had no side effects from herceptin last time, and Docetaxel side effects hit on day 5 with jaw pain and diarrhoea :scream: hope you escape them all. Laura xx

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oh thats isnt too bad I guess! I had terrible chemo fog with Ec on day 5-7 I am hoping that I dont get that back!

I dont think we ever escape them all do we…but thank you!!


Sorry to hear you’ve had your treatment delayed, that sucks.
Strange that it’s 4-5 days later, I just assumed that the side effects would kick in straight away like EC. Looks like I wont get out of doing the laundry this week. Shame I was looking forward to a Netflix binge!

Thanks xx


Hi Laura, hope you are Ok I’ve just got back from my chemo today too! Hope your side effects aren’t too bad this time Helen x


Hi Mandy, I hope the Docetaxal goes well. As for a Netflix binge I think you are entitled to one whenever you want😁
Helen x


I’ve just had my first Docetaxel and Herceptin too so will see how it goes. No reaction to it thankfully so now just a waiting game for the side effect bingo to start😂