April 2024 chemo starters

Sorry @elle16 but I’m exactly the same. Only spicy/peppery or sweet. Hence why I feel like I’ve ballooned in the last week :roll_eyes: x

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I might frame my PICC if they’ll give it me! Yes, I’m weird! I can put my long lock of long auburn curly hair in the frame too! :joy:


:face_with_peeking_eye: artiscitally arranged into a beautiful shape?

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I was thinking I would feel something but the nurse just was like, take a deep breath and then half a second later she had the whole tube dangling from her hand.


Exactly! Yet I could feel it in my chest these past however many weeks! Just washed my arm properly for the first time since March :sweat_smile:


Last chemo commencing NOW!!! :syringe::partying_face::champagne::tada:

Never knew I could be so excited about poison and knowing I’ll feel awful for probably 4 more weeks! This cancer malarkey makes us so twisty!


You lucky thing!!! Yes it’s odd what we get excited about now :joy:

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That’s fantastic!! Really happy for you :smiling_face:


@isthisreal - that’s such good news! What a huge relief for you xx


@isthisreal that’s absolutely fantastic news, so pleased for you, my appointment went well, she tried to get me in for an ultrasound today but unfortunately it was impossible but they will ring me tomorrow to try and get me in in between my other appointments but if not it will be Monday or Tuesday, also just had a phone call to say my bloods are low so might not be able to have my chemo tomorrow, I’m not sure which ones are low and my nhs app has not been updated ( annoying ) they are going to check them again in the morning so keeping my fingers crossed chemo goes ahead :crossed_fingers:my picc line has really struggled to draw blood the last twice so not sure if that’s linked, really hope I’m not taking the steroids for nothing :weary:
Good luck and congratulations @swk1981 your head scarf looks lovely again, hope it all goes well for you xxx


Thank you :heart: yes good idea, fingers crossed it bores us to sleep :sleeping: x


Hi @swk1981 how did it go today ? :heart:

Hey @elle16, it went fine thanks.

On the bloods, I scraped through my Tues bloods and Sonia asked if I wanted to rerun them this morning. I said “Let’s not ask questions we may not like the answer to! Let’s just get the chemo done and run bloods after!” We did that and my platelets had tripled and my neutrophils had gone from 3.0 to 7.2 in less than 48 hours! Everything has changed so much in such a short time so fingers crossed the same happens for you tomorrow! Would be useful to know if it was your white blood cells playing up or your two liver enzymes (as at least one must be okay to proceed!). If it was your liver though they would not be able to rapid test in the morning as they can’t be tested on the rapid testing machine so it must be either platelets or neutrophils as they’re the only ones that have pass marks for chemo!!! Platelets can change in a few hours as they get metabolised so fast. Fingers crossed yours all bounce tomorrow! Xxx


Amazing news! So relieved for you! In time I think we’ll start to numb a little to diagnostics I hope. We all just need to have lots of mini-scares that become nothing and hopefully it will reduce the intrusive thoughts that inevitably happen!

I bet you’ll sleep well tonight after that! X


@swk1981 last chemo whoop whoop congratulations!

@elle16 fingers crossed your chemo goes ahead. My bloods were very low this week so they gave me some injections for yesterday and today so hoping that will perk up my neutrophils for tomorrow. So they’ve delayed it a day and we will see what my blood test says tomorrow.

@isthisreal so pleased everything’s OK, I’m so relieved for you.

We are off to Cornwall on Saturday as planned, one half of me wants to keep to my schedule and have the chemo tomorrow and the other half just wants to be able to enjoy the week.

I hope everyone else has had a good week.

Helen x


Hi @hc1973 hope it all goes well for you tomorrow and you have a lovely time in Cornwall :crossed_fingers::heart: thank you for sharing feeling more positive
@swk1981 i do think it’s my neutrophils and not my liver, especially after what you’ve just said as they confirmed i would be able to have the results quite quickly, so pleased today has gone well for you and hope the next couple of weeks is kind to both you and Helen, I’ve definitely had a big wobble today, feeling quite overwhelmed and just had a shit show of a day, so hopefully tomorrow will go as planned for me and I can get this last bloody poisoning over and done with and hoping they squeeze me in for ultra sound too!!!
Here’s for a night of no sleep and extra hot sweats :hot_face:


Bless you. I had the same last night. Sweating galore. It was cold but I slept on top of the duvet!

Everything crossed for the morning and a concrete plan about your scan! Not what you need at all!!!

What time are you in for bloods tomorrow? X

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Just before my radiologist appointment at half 10 then they are hoping I should know not long after the appointment, my chemo is booked in for 2pm so i should have plenty of time for results :crossed_fingers: and they said they will try to get my ultrasound booked in in between too if they have the slots , really hoping I can get everything done tomorrow xx
How you feeling? Xx

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Morning @elle16 i have all my fingers crossed for you today. I really hope you get your last chemo done and dusted.

Let’s also hope you get that ultrasound booked.

Big hugs
Helen xx

@elle16 :crossed_fingers:for you today, that you have chemo and all gets sorted. I have an ultrasound later, before seeing surgeon night week. Was supposed to be having a meal with my old team, but hey ho this journey disrupts everything but very grateful to get quick appointments. Laura xx

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