April 2024 chemo starters

That’s good that radiotherapy has been better for you and thanks for the update with what to expect! The feeling low is totally understandable and I’d imagine it’s maybe a combination of the both…. Just take the time you need to process things and if you need support then reach out :smiling_face: I feel like I’m so focussed on the ‘fixing things’ and milestones the now that I just don’t know how I’ll feel by the end of the main treatments but I’m sure it’ll all hit me and actually feel real at some point (I kind of feel like it’s not real and can’t be happening!)

I met with the oncologist today ahead of my chemo on Thursday. I’m meant to have 3 Docetaxels left as I’m going 4 EC and 4 Docetaxel. I got a scan after my third EC and it showed my tumour has almost halved in size. He said that because I had such a good response so far that they’re actually planning to now just give me 3 Docetaxel! I’ve to get scans around the time of the third one and all going well I won’t need the 4th :grin: he said that the 4th is generally considered overkill and most people just get 3 so if the tumour is still responding as well then there’s no benefit to the 4th one. Think they just pencil it in during the initially planning as a just in case. I’m excited at the thought of having one less and I can’t even find the lump now after my last Docetaxel (I’m small chested so could feel it easily) so hopefully it’s about gone!! If I need to do a 4th I’ll happily do it though but I just feel like the end of chemo is actually in sight now! They seem confident and even scheduled in my surgeons appointment for the day before my last chemo with the view to doing my surgery a month after it so fingers crossed


What great news for you @belle1 :star_struck:


@belle1 fabulous new :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:I was initially down to 4x Docetaxel but am actually only have three- last one on Thursday providing today’s bloods ok​:tada:


So nice to have it reduced eh :raised_hands:t2: It was a pleasant surprise and I’m still buzzing from it… the end of August just feels so far away still so to shorten that by 3 weeks is an amazing feeling! Really needed some good news to keep me going and it’s a nice feeling that Thursdays will now most likely be my second last one :grin: that’s great you’re on your last one this week too! Hope your bloods are all good for it :smiling_face:


@belle1 - that’s great news and it’s really good that your tumour has shrunk! I had 3 ECs and 3 docetaxels - not sure why some do 4 but it will definitely be a lot easier for you to only have three. I can no longer feel my tumour, it used to feel like a hard grape and it’s such a relief to think it may have gone completely :crossed_fingers:


@pollyanna1 congratulations on your last radiotherapy :clap: thank you again for the update on what to expect :heart: I’m hoping to find out tomorrow when mine starts and fingers crossed I can have my pic line out on Friday :crossed_fingers:
@belle1 so pleased you’ve had such a positive response from your chemo and 1 less for you is fabulous news :heart:


@belle1 so pleased to hear your news and one less chemo yippee!

@gromit Laura, I hope your last one tomorrow goes ahead, last one whoop whoop!

@ivy-cat so pleased that you can feel that your tumour has shrunk, brilliant news.

@elle16 hope you manage to get your picc line removed on Friday, another big milestone.
@pollyanna1 hope you are coping with the radiotherapy OK.

I’m in tomorrow again tomorrow only 5 left yay! hoping bloods are behaving.

We have actually had quite a nice day here in Hampshire so I’m hoping this is the start of some sunny weather!

Hugs to everyone else hope you are all doing well!


@hc1973 thank you - hope it goes well for you too tomorrow - you’re getting there. House completion all gone pear shaped today - can’t handle it! But took my self up to the river for a leisurely walk this afternoon


Hi Laura, sorry to hear that you have had a stress with the house completion, I’m sure it’s just a blip and will all be sorted out soon.

It’s your last chemo tomorrow try to focus on ticking that off the list celebration! - you have been amazing running marathons whilst I’ve been sitting round eating Pringles!

Big hugs
H x


Good luck for today @hc1973 @gromit12!
Also keeping everything crossed for your house sale Laura :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


@ivy-cat thank you. Can’t quite believe that this is the last chemo, and Percy the PICC should be removed :pray:


Happy last chemo day Laura :clap: hope everything goes well for you today :kissing_heart:

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@elle16 thank you - currently going to plan -herceptin done, and dexamethasone going in slowly with no adverse effects :pray::crossed_fingers:about to last cold cap xx


Good luck to all you ladies who have last chemotherapy today, sending huge hugs xxx
@belle1 im delighted to hear your tumour has shrunk and that you might only need 3 more.Its also great to get these dates in the Diary for the next stage, I think its what helps us through the treatments.
@ivy-cat delighted you’re getting your picc line out and have a date for surgery.

Sorry if I’ve missed anyone here as I really am thinking about you all, I’m feeling good that I’ve now finished all treatments (except hormone therapy) I’m very grateful and thankful but strange at the same time as trying to process this last year, feel like it’s been someone else’s life.

MacMillan phoned me this morning and I’ve my 1st aromatherapy session on the 31st of July. (1 of 4) she also said when I’m in with them they’ll have a good chat and will tell me all about different classes ie: yoga, Pilates etc.
Hope everyone else is doing ok

Pauline xxx


Can we talk body hair…. What is going on? :rofl: I’ve still got almost all of it :woman_shrugging:t2: my eyebrows and eyelashes are just starting to fall out but I’ve got very hairy arms that are still very hairy (which I only actually realised the other day) and I had to shave my legs before my first Phesgo jag as it was embarrassing lol as I realised just how long the hairs had got. Also still have the wee hairs on my lower back and toes…. Basically everywhere that I wouldn’t mind losing it :rofl::rofl: Just find it weird I’ve had 4 ECs and on my second Docetaxel now so I’m curious if others are the same? Funny the things that pop into our heads!

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And it’s done chemo is over!!! :tada::tada::tada:Percy the PICC line is out :tada::tada: I have my arm back :tada: I know I still have a couple of weeks of side effects :poop::poop:but today I’m celebrating :tada::tada: and we are exchanging contracts on our Dunster house before 3pm today, with completion next Thursday :tada::tada:Today I am one happy Laura


Amazing news all round :grin: congrats on all fronts!

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Me again! I’ve posted a nurses question but wondered what people who are on Docetaxels experience was in this group…

I was in for my second Docetaxel today and due to a mix up with my Filgrastrin injections (they went to give me ten instead of five which I queried) the nurse made a comment that it was maybe because I was on a higher dose. I asked her what she meant and spoke to someone else on the ward who told me that it was standard to start people on 75mg/m2 of Docetaxel to see how well it is tolerated etc and then increase the dose to 100mg/m2 if ok. I was a bit surprised as no one had mentioned this to me/discussed in advance that I was on a reduced dose the first time. Also felt a bit like if I hadn’t have queried the injections then no one would have told me at all. Thought it was a bit strange as I might have worse side effects this time on a higher dose as well so an unprompted heads up would have been good! Did anyone else start off on a reduced dose to test the water?


@belle1 I have had 180mg Doxecetal for all 3, and for all six cycles I have filgrastin x7 days. It was the steroids that they increased, went from 8mg to 20mg. And that was what I reacted to. Laura x


Thanks… yeah my 100mg/m2 worked out as 180mg this week so must’ve been on 135mg last time. If they’d discussed it with me beforehand I’d have asked for the full 180mg each time as I’ve been mostly fine with chemo so far, am fit and healthy and would rather have started high and taken it down if need be :woman_shrugging:t2: