April 2024 chemo starters

Sorry @isthisreal i wasn’t really given a choice. My lump was over 3cm to begin with and was fast growing so the surgeon did say he’d try a lumpectomy, with all the caveats of needing clear margins, but that due to my “modest size breast” there wouldn’t be much left. It did lead me to choose mastectomy on those grounds. Good job really because it was over 5 cm by the time of removal. I’ve never really got over that hidden insult though :joy:


@altoan mines was 2.1cm and the surgeon was like hmm yeah your breasts are small but I can do a lumpectomy…. my joke with the team ended up being can I hurry and start chemo please to try shrink this thing as I’ve not got a lot of boob to play with here :rofl: (may be inappropriate humour but it’s true lol!) made me laugh and think of my own convo with the surgeon seeing your hidden insult!


This does worry me @altoan - my tumour bed plus margins is going to be about 4cm and I am very small chested- god knows what it will look like once he’s taken that out!

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I don’t know what it’s called, but my friend who had a lumpectomy also had the space replaced from her own body (maybe tummy area) at the same time. She also had that biopsy where they send the cells off during surgery and wait to find out before finishing surgery. Don’t think she was given the choice though.


Such a happy photo of you and Mr Gromit, Laura! Well done on the chemo AND the house! Welcome to Somerset soon!

I’ve never felt knocked by you posting about your running. I’ve been in awe but it certainly hasn’t ever made me feel bad about my journey. Your half marathon was an actual half marathon whereas my half marathon was hoovering the dining room and kitchen. The end result was the same. Exhaustion! :joy:



@swk1981 thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:xx

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@isthisreal i had a lumpectomy, I asked my surgeon about having a mastectomy instead and he advised me that the outcome would be the same but that I would be avoiding major surgery and in his opinion I should go for lumpectomy but that I could choose a mastectomy if I wished, I went with his advise and had a lumpectomy and slnb, the hospital I went to did not offer the option of having the lymph nodes tested during the surgery so I had to wait for the results which luckily were clear, I had the wire guided op, it was pretty painless to have inserted after the local anaesthetic but was a little painful as the anaesthetic started to wear off before I went to theatre, my surgery was completed before my chemotherapy,
@gromit12 massive congratulations on completing your chemo :clap: and also the completion on your new home, what a day for you and your husband, celebration drink well deserved :clinking_glasses: lovely photo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
Had a few appointments this week and I’ve been told my radiotherapy should be starting next week, they think it will probably go to mdt meeting on Tuesday so possible to start on Wednesday, I’m now waiting for a bone density scan for my hormone treatment, I will be having letrozole and zoladex injections along with zolderonic acid every 6 months, I’ve been told I need a dentist appointment for dental clearance, I’ve been given so much information today that I feel like my head might explode, trying to get my head around it all, has anyone else been advised they will be having similar treatment going forwards ?
Hope everyone is feeling well and doing ok xx


@gromit12 Congrats and what a wonderful photo! It make me think of the unsung heroes like your other half supporting you all the way through this.

What a milestone and an appropriately large glass to accompany the occasion! Well done to you both, you look so happy.


@gromit12 Morning Laura what a lovely post to wake up to! You have done so well and I’m really pleased your house has completed and that you can now focus on the next chapter xx ooh and your hair looks great too!

@ivy-cat I’m so glad you managed to get some more support Emma it sounds like they were really kind and supportive which is exactly what we need when going through this!

@isthisreal I was the same as @belle1 and @elle16 i had 2 tumours one invasive lobular and 1 x ductual both around 2cm but as I was a J cup they suggested a lumpectomy, I also had the wires inserted pre op in the morning. I had a full node clearance at the same time as my node had come up on a ct scan so before surgery I had a biopsy and it had come back cancerous which is why they removed them all. I was told for me lumpectomy was the better option as I am large chested mastectomy would have been a bigger operation and they didn’t see any difference in my survival long term.

I hope everyone is feeling brighter this weekend at least it’s warmer! I ticked another chemo off on Thursday only 4 to go now. Really struggling with the neuropathy hoping they don’t have to reduce my dose but we will see.

I think this is the hard bit now as we are all coming to the end and all feeling pretty worn out but we have nearly done it whoop whoop!

Big hugs everyone, it’s hard remembering everyone’s names!

Helen x


Hi @elle16

I have exactly the same treatment going forward as you do. I start 10 days of radiotherapy on Wednesday (5 standard and 5 boost). I have my first Zoledronic acid infusion on 8th August. I had my second Zoladex injection on Thursday. Chemo didn’t stop my periods (sorry if tmi) so once I’m definitely in menopause I also start Letrozole. Do you know how long your hormone therapy will be for? I’ve got 10 years……sounds like a prison sentence :rofl:

Hope you are getting on OK after completing chemo. Everyday is a step closer to normal life, well the new normal!

Feel free to message me with any questions. With so many different treatment options it’s nice to find someone on the same plan.



Hi @emmaxoxo i haven’t got a start date for injections they just said after bone density scan, I was given so much information yesterday that I don’t think I took it all in, been reading through the info they gave me and trying not to focus on the side effects,
They told me to start the tablets which they gave me yesterday on the same day or day after first injection, and if they told me how long my sentence was I didn’t take that in either :woman_facepalming:
Yes I agree it’s nice to have someone that’s doing the same and I think our dates will be very similar. How you feeling about it? X
Ps periods stopped after second chemo x

Well that was probably utter madness - I’m blaming it on the steroids :rofl::rofl:- but I have just done a half marathon 2 days after finishing chemo!! How could I resist a run for ice cream race which included a 99 :yum::yum:


Wow Laura, you amaze me, I just don’t know how you do it!!! Well done you and what a way to celebrate :raised_hands:


Well earned! @gromit12


There is so much to take in isn’t there, just when our brains are full of chemo mush! I’ll be on Zoledronic acid infusions too, 6 monthly for 3 years. Also letrozole (maybe for 3 years but I’ve heard that is often extended) and Abemaciclib for 2 years. I’m anxious about the side effected and the impact that will have on getting back to “normal” but it’s all to prevent recurrence so there’s not much choice. I’m not sure how quickly these start but think the suggestion was letrozole will start at my next oncology appointment and the others after radiotherapy?
We were supposed to be celebrating my sons 30th birthday this weekend but he’s got covid so that scuppered our plans…. And I’ve baked a huge cake, just what I need to help put on a few more pounds!!! :joy:


Sorry me again! I have just slept properly for the first time since pre chemo - perhaps a half marathon is required post chemo!!! Legs aching like hell- probably the filgrastin but I can blame the run!! :rofl: We’re off to see Starlight Express as a surprise for my husband’s birthday - never thought I’d get there so close to the end of chemo. And so pleased I perservered with cold capping - it was hell but so pleased with the results. Bit nervous about train and big theatre- a first- but have high grade mask. Is this really a " normal day"


Hi @gromit12 i’m so pleased for you. Well done! Here’s to more ‘normal’ days. Have fun at Starlight Express and keep masking.


Long may it continue Laura! I found the 15 days post-final chemo to be the worst - fatigue, aches and neuropathy all at their peak. Things have definitely improved over the past few days though and although nowhere near normal, I’m certainly feeling a bit more like Enjoy the theatre :performing_arts:


Looking amazing as usual :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: hope you had a lovely evening at the theatre :performing_arts: :revolving_hearts:

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@elle16 we had a lovely time thank you. Starlight Express was just awesome. A really happy day. Exhausted today though!!! :rofl::rofl:Xx

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