This topic is for anyone starting chemo in April 2025 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.
You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now
This topic is for anyone starting chemo in April 2025 to share thoughts and feelings in a supportive environment.
You can find more info on chemo on our pages Chemotherapy for breast cancer | Breast Cancer Now
Hi, I’m starting chemo for triple negative breast cancer (stage 1, lymph nodes clear) on April 1st (!) I’m feeling very scared on and off. It will be 4x 3-weekly cycles of docetaxel & cyclophosphamide.(TC) I think I will chat with the specialist cancer nurses next week to hopefully ease my fears and know there is support. I think what most scares me is things being unbearable from the chemo (and injections of growth factor, I think it is). I also tend to panic a bit with nausea, although I’m reminding myself I had a lot of pregnancy nausea with my 3 (now adult) children and coped with that. Looking forward to hearing from others.
Hi, wishing you the absolute best possible outcome on your journey.
I start on April 7th. 3x EC and 3x Docetaxel. Same fears as you. And also terrified because I’m a single mom with a 9 & 10 year old. God I pray that I can cope and still take care of them.
Hi there I started EC on Tuesday and it went ok. It really has made me v tired, I’m a fit 49 year old. So I would get extra help for the first few days. I’m on day 4 and first day having a shower, getting changed. I’ve had zero sickness but it’s been like a bad hangover. Also when you start injections you may get a very red face, this is normal. You will be fine but with young kids I’d ask for extra help x
I start on 7th April, just got the appointments through yesterday. Exactly the same regime as @saints33… we’lll have to compare notes as we go on. Theer were a couple of weeks in March that I thought I might have escaped the need for chemo but a CT found more lymph nodes so chemo it is!
Ive found it very helpful to read through previous months starters to see what people experienced and what action they took that helped. I feel that I am going to be very prepared for all that could happen.
Im still totally dreading it, feel full of anxiety - had a proper heavy heart and short of breath this morning when I woke up - but my equilibrium s coming back.
We’ve got this ladies… and the sooner we start the sooner it will be over.
Kath x (being treated at RUH in Bath)
You have got this and it’ll be little steps but we will push thru the finish line and soon be out the other side x
I’m super anxious too, we must definitely compare notes and share as we go along! xx
Hi, I’m 36 with two young boys 2 and 3 years old - starting chemo on 4th April, I’ve had node positive stage 2 lobular breast cancer - CHEK2 mutation and had a single mastectomy on 28th Feb. Starting 4 rounds of EC and 4 rounds of docetaxel then radio and tamoxifen and ribociclib after treatment.
I’m going to attempt the cold cap. Finding it so distressing about the hair loss - found a really useful forum chat with tips and tricks for those that need - Chemo/Cold Capping Hair Care - #12 by naughty_boob
Hi everyone, relate to the dread. Yes extra help if you can call on some if you have children to take care of. Wishing you all a do-able journey and best possible outcome
I’ve got 3 adult children, in their 20s who currently live with me. Hoping they gonna look after me
Sorry to hear that @warmfuzzies - I felt pretty terrified last week. Been reading and getting all the tips I can. Sending supportive and calming vibes to all.
How are you feeling now? Hope you’re ok xx
Welcome @boy_mum_2yrs_3yrs I honestly can’t imagine having to deal with this with such young children. And you are so young too
My son is 33 (Im 55) and hes still my baby boy. I hope you have good support around you as its A LOT to cope with no matter what age and circumstances. I think there might be some extra threads to join for younger people like yourself if you might find them helpful too.
I’ve read back over different months of chemo starters and I think having a cohort of people who are going through the same stage is definitely helpful. we can compare side effects and give each other moral support.
I hope you are doing ok and Im definitely sending you lots of warm fuzzies.
Kath x
I’m home now, they did lots of tests and they were normal. I will def ask for the dose to be reduced next time. I can hardly walk where I’m so weak. I’m a fit 49 year old. If this was given to a frail person then I dread to think what would happen.
Oh no
I’m praying for you, I really hope your energy comes back soon. I hope your oncologist listens to you and tweaks as needed. Hang in there xx
Still weak but I walked to bathroom this morning instead of crawling. My mouth (oral thrush from chemo) is not as bad. I’m in bed as still weak, even my voice is weak. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be a bit stronger. So I’m a tiny bit stronger, not a lot but not worse. Emailed my oncologist and they’re changing my next cycle. I told him I thought I’d be able to walk!
So a quiet day for me. Thanks for messaging x
Sending lots of thoughts your way @stafford22 . Hoping the symptoms ease off for you. Can highly recommend Adolescence on Netflix and Liz O Riodans Cancer Roadmap book if you need something to pass the time. Xx
Thank you @warmfuzzies, luckily we’ve had a lot of support from grandparents and the children are a bit too young to really know what’s going on at the moment although Finley definitely picked up that I wasn’t 100% after surgery, not sure how we will navigate the hair loss and chemo stage but will cross that bridge when we get to it. Just waiting for the Oncytype DX test to come back then system all go!
Thank you. I’ve now had a shower and feel like I’ve got a glimmer of energy on the horizon! So going by my experience days 5-6 are the hardest. Maybe because no steroids?
You will all be fine. Chemo is hard, really hard but remember if it’s too much on the first dose then they can reduce it by 25% and it doesn’t have a knock on effect of how the treatment works. I think they throw everything on the first one to see how we cope, then adapt x
@boy_mum_2yrs_3yrs good to know you have lots of support.
If it helps to know, I was 2 years old when my mum had a mastectomy and she had recurring cancer for 20 years. I didn’t have a clue she was so ill until 2 weeks before she died - thats another story.
But I had no recollection of anything from being a child. Apparently, in the bathroom one day I did point at her missing boob and say “where’s the other one?” after which she either dressed or booted me out!
Its a challenge though, if not only for how much you need to be there for yourself as well as balancing their needs. You’ll do it though, mums just do!
All teh best
Kath xx