are all dimples a sign of cancer?

I’m 26 years old. Had 2 dimples in right breast since may. Also have dark green discharge when squeezed. I have an appointment with a specialist in 3 weeks, but I would like something to ease my mind. Any advice?

Hi Jenna626

Welcome to the BCC discussion forums where I am sure you will get lots of good, honest support from the many informed users of this site.  While you are waiting for replies I have put for you below the link to one of BCC’s publications you might find helpful prior to your hospital appointment.  Also if you would like to talk to someone in confidence then our helpline team are just a free phone call away 0808 800 6000 lines open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 10-2

Take care,

Jo, Moderator

Hi Jenna626, i thought i would write and give you some support. I am 36, have a clear discharge and dimples in my right breast too. I have had 2 lots of antibiotics as i had a breast infection. The consultant said to me the dimples could be a result of the infection as the mammogram and ultra sound were clear. The cytology report was abnormal ,so i am having a procedure on the 11th December to remove the milk ducts and to have them tested. I have been reassured to a certain degree that things should be ok and that there are benign conditions that cause this, but of course there can be no guarantees. Really hope your appointment goes well xx

Hi Helenbutterfly, thank you for your responce. I had 2 cultures done the first showed a sligh staph infection and I was treated with antibiotics. The second one was done 2 months later and was clear. I been driving myself crazy thinking of what this could possibly be. If it was an infection, it should of cleared with antibiotics. And I had an ultrasound done that should of showed cysts, I think . I was refused a mammo because of my age which pushed me for a second opinion, so I hope all is well. I hope things go good for you as well. This is scary studf, and I appreciate your reply♡ thank you