Gussie that must have been realy tough, and must have shaken as well as annoyed you, how are you now?
Debbie good to hear you are enjoying being back at work, don’t overdo things though, take your time to adjust.
Moorcow how lovely to see you poping back in, yes time does seem to pass so quickly, how are you getting on with the Tamoxifen, it’s a great drug but the flushes aren’t fun are they. I pop in on the lymph site sometimes and have seen Norberte there, nice to keep an eye on what’s going on with folk. I’m afraid I hate my sleeve so much that I don’t wear it!
Hope everyone is keeping as well as possible, love to you all xx
Julie, I’m angry when I think about my husband but I will channel that to good and raise it appropriately when the moment’s right. My work is fairly closely connected with some of the oncs so I will find an informal as well as more formal way to raise awareness. I’m always happy to do that coz I’ve been out for so long and had so many interactions with medics thru my partner’s illness, and I think how it must be if you don’t have that experience &/or confidence. Meanwhile I wrote a poem which made me feel better…!
Debbie/moorcow, good advice about not doing too much too soon esp re work. I met my boss for a coffee yesterday and he is keen I don’t rush back too soon - and reassuring me there is still being a job for me at the other side of all this! Don’t see how I can go back while I’m having chemo. Yes I have more energy in week 3 but living on my own I need to catch up with all the stuff I didn’t do in the last 2 weeks & get ready for the next 2!
As I’m feeling much better (FEC cycle 1, day 17) I actually quite enjoyed the last few days, including comedy wig fitting (wasn’t going to bother then realised it was my chance for a Joan Jett rock chick look so cheers NHS Scotland for the wig prescription). My hair’s starting to come out now, so off for a buzz cut in the next day or so then buffs and scarves a-go-go. And occasional wiggery.
I am newly diagnosed, and a lesbuan. Had lumpectomy and axillary node clearance 11 days ago. See the oncologist on the 2nd.
Hope all is well with you.
Hi Lucy,
Sorry you’ve had to join us but welcome. Hope you are recovering well from op and your meeting with Onc on 2nd goes well. I guess you won’t know what treatment you’ll be having till you have that meeting but hope all goes well, let us know how you’re doing.
Gussie poems can be a great way of letting emotions out. Glad you are feeling better and hope SE’s are kind to you, specially in this heat! I had a wig party with my sisters when I had my primary dx, was a real laugh and have a photo of us reflected in a mirror looking like members of Queen!
Hope everyone is keeping cool xx
HI everyone, lovely to see you again JulieD. best of luck with your results Lucy58, I had ax clearance too so shout if you need any info I might be able to help with. Best of luck for rest of chemo Gussie. Hope all good Debbie -t,
in sisterhood,
Hi all you wonderful ladies. Thanks for keeping this thread going.
Back at work full time now and it’s good to be back to a little normality, I’m now just starting the 6week holidays too, nice rest for a little while longer
the joys of working with children !
Had great news today, CT scan results came back clear so that’s mammo and ct scan clear. . Whooohoo, can’t stop smiling, Can celebrate a little now is about time for some good news, it’s been horrendous 13 months. I’ve just had 2 ladies I know well diagnosed with this crappy disease so fingers crossed for then and everyone else having treatment/diagnosed and recovering from the bc nightmare. It’s been a tough ride up to now
. Everyone loves my new silver Fox look so I’m keeping, no more hair dye bottles for me… that should save me a few pennies. … you have to look for the positives dont you.
Off on holiday next week so fingers crossed no flash floods but raging sunshine.
Very Best wishes to all you having chemo, scans tests etc… I think about this journey all the time.and the ladies who are just starting, It’s a nightmare but is doable…I was just starting chemo this time last year, couldn’t imagine seeing Xmas at the time Now ready to go on holiday. … How the mind is so cruel at times.
Best wishes and
Huge hugs to all of you ((( )))
Debbie, FANTASTIC news!! Have you stopped celebrating yet? How are the holidays (plans and actual) shaping up? I like the silver fox look myself, though am currently sporting a JessieJ + various malfunctioning headgear.
Moorcow, I’ll also be having ANC down the line, so will definitely appreciate hearing how it was for you.
Julie, the heat is ok if I stay out of it. Cooler up here (Edinburgh) right now thank flip.
Lucy, welcome to this thread - have also posted on the one you started.
As for me, I’m FECx2, day 11, which is when my energy levels start to climb and I feel more like myself. Surprised myself by doing some yoga this morning - stiff back, clicky hips. But it was great! What with the surgery and the chemo I’d not really felt up to it until now, but my BC consultant encouraged me to get back into it when I felt ready. Anyway the dog is reminding me he needs his morning walk so I’ll scoot for now.
Bye, all. Gus x
Hi Whimsy,
Nice to see your post.
How you all doing? Been a bit quiet on here lately so hoping thats coz everyone is out living thier lives.
I’m not too bad, bit fed-up chasing bone scan results and getting nowhere! Keep telling myself if there had been further spread my Onc would have contacted me …My partner is still being messed around with her hip replacement so we’re both a bit fed up with hospitals at the moment.
Best wishes xx
Hi - I hope you don’t mind me joining you . My partner was diagnosed last week with grade 3 BC. , we don’t know if it’s spread yet (MRI on Thursday ) lump is huge (7cm - how did we not notice?). We know there’s going to be chemo for 4-5 months , surgery , radio , herceptin etc . But it seems like we’re entering the great unknown , one minute we are planning to get married (June 2014 on my 40th) , the next minute googling side effects & hat shopping ! Any help , reassurance would be great for both of us - it all seems so ‘pink’ out there if you know what I mean & not geared at us at all even though everyone we have encountered so far (I know, it’s very early days) .
Hi all you lovely ladies.just keeping the thread going…hope life is good for you all. I got married in December (officially) to my now Wife and it was majical so we’re official married now as we were given the 'right 'last year, about time, to convert our civil partnership . .I got 3 years all clear in June so all well at the moment however, that angst never leaves…The fear of recurrent BC or spread… take care ladies.Debbie T