Are there different rules on recon for different cancers?

Does anyone know if there needs to be a longer time left after Lobal
bc, I seem to remember my surgeon saying “perhaps 4-5 years time”. I thought that it may be because I had several other very small tumors in the breast but I’m not sure. I was too scared to ask at my first year check up, has anyone else found this or is it just my own silly thoughts?

Can anyone help?


I had a mastectomy Feb 2008 for Lobular cancer and am having my reconstruction tomorrow. I didnt wait for my yearly check up to get the ball rolling either, I had a word with my breast nurse and she organised a consulatation with the surgeon last December.
They do leave you hanging in the air with half a story dont they.
Ring youre breast nurse up and ask her.
Take care and good luck
Lyn x

Hi maxbryn,

Thankyou for the post, thats made me feel more possitive about asking about reconstruction now. I wish you all the best for tomorrow, take care xxx

I was also dx Feb 08 with lobular multifocal. I have not yet asked about a recon. I am also anxious as have had no check ups. Still on Herceptin until October this year. Would like to have a recon but worried about recurrence and of course secondaries. Was contemplating paying and having an MRI myself.

Hi starfish,

I have never heard the word mulifocal before, I suppose it’s more than one like mine, I had one 3.5cm + lots of other small areas in the breast. I am worried about local recurrence because of these other small areas and worry what will happen if they start to grow under the reconstruction. I thought about having an MRI scan but if you pay privatly for one and they find any cancer, I was told by my GP that I would have to pay privatly for any treatment. This seems unfair as there is no provision for detection of lobal cancers. Apparently, if anyone has any scans or tests privatly the NHS will not fund treatment. So I would ask alot of questions before contemplating paying for an MRI. Take care x

I was dx with multifocal er pos in Nov 2007 …had masectomy and immediate expander implant reconstruction got inflated till Jan 08 when perm implant was put in …wasnt too bad at first but had an MRI cos of some new lumpy areas in Jan 09 and I had developed a grade four capsular contracture which had to be taken out …had LD flap and implant op on Mar 9 this year all going to plan I think .If this one fails I dont know if I will put myself thru it all again for third time so heres hoping …think I was just unlucky never regret having either ops
