I just had my 3rd FEC on Tuesday and I just realised I have put on aroung 10 lbs since starting chemo. i spoke to oncologist and she said that is expected because of the steroids that we are given during the treatment. She also said she would be very worried if I was losing weight. Any one else out there putting on weight?
Hi Carla - I finished chemo at the end of November last year and by the time that came around I had put nearly 2 stone on ! Was going to start diet but had been marked up for rads and they said not to because the markers could move - so good excuse. i did start losing it but went on hols so hoping start again soon , which was supposed to be last week. Think I lasted a day !
I used to lose half a stone the week I had taxotere but quickly put it on again. I think whatever you do it still goes on because of the steroids.
HI Carla
I have finished my treatment , chemo,rads. Am now on tamoxifen. I put on 11lb all in all and hope to lose it gradually by laying of the sweet stuff. I craved chocolate while on chemo as it was one of the few things I could taste.
I have been on chemo since April 10th and actually lost about 4 lb so far. My onc said that there was actually no evidence that chemo caused weight gain though lots of people do put on weight temporarily with the steroids. My sister who has also had chemo lost weight whilst she was on it (only 7lbs but has put 3 back on since she finished. I put my weight loss down to the fact that I am not working at the minute and so am more active. I also don’t stuff myself as I normally do as I lose my sense of taste for about 2 weeks and so eat to live rather than live to eat as is my normal thing!. I also don’t eat as many sweets and goodies as I am not in the office where temptations abound. Maybe genetics also have something to do with it.
I put on a few pounds after Epi 2 and then forgot about it. Am bloating with Tax and don’t care - am just going with the flow - can’t wait to be finished - will sort it out after that.
The more I think about it the more pressure and the more I eat - it’s better for me to just accept it
Could do with a big poo though! Sorry about that !
I have put on weight during chemo. After getting het up about it, I thought it is the least of my worries. i think it is because if I feel a bit sick i eat
oops I eat to stop the nausea and so I am always eating. Once treatment is done I can be more active and lose it. Yes the dreaded constipation !! I had that on epi. Not so much on xeloda. I felt like I was obsessed with bowels as could not go on epi at all.
Put on 2 stone,finished chemo mid march and finding it hard to shift,saying that I need to get back to work,that will move it,rather than GMTV and loose women!!!
Thanks for all your comments. I do eat to relieve the nausea effect from the chemo that lasts for about a week after that! Just thinking about the feeling, makes me feel nauseated… Terrible, why we have to suffer so much???
Next chemo in 10 days time…UURGGGGHHHH!!! So hard…
i too had terrible nausea and strange but you do seem to eat to try and stop it. because its like a noring hunger pain as well. i mentioned it to nurses and they gave me something for it and it has helped with the nausea, heartburn etc.
but i wish they could give me a pill to stop eating.
my next chemo is in a week so i know how you feel ( i dread it too). just wish you could refuse to have it, but we know we cant.
so will just grin and bear it urggggggggggggggggggggggg