It is two years this December that I was diagnosed with bc. I had the usual chemo radio and almost a year of Herceptin. Anti Swine flu information jabs mentions vulnerable people who may be offered these injections. Does anyone know if women are still considered vulnerable when treatment has finished. The list says people with underlying illness are included with young children and pregnant women.
Hi Judy,
I’m pretty sure we are still classed as vulnerable as if you’ve had chemo, your immune system is compromised. I’ve been offered flu jabs since just after I finished chemo 4 years ago. I’m currently on chemo following my secondary diagnosis and I’m not sure whether I’m allowed to have the jabs this Autumn.
I finished chemo in Dec 07 and am now on zoladex, arimidex and zometa for small bone secondaries. I asked my oncologist whether I should have the normal and swine flu jabs and she said yes instantly. Had my normal flu jab 2 weeks ago and was fine.
Think there was another thread about whether you should have a swine flu jab but I suppose at the end of the day, it’s down to your own individual situation and doctors recommendation.
Hi Judy, I am on chemo at the moment and asked last week about the swine flu inoculations and was told by a nurse on the ward that they had not yet made up their minds whether or not the swine flu jag would be beneficial to me yet. You should speak to your GP or contact the hospital that you attended to discuss the matter. Sorry cannot help further. LOve V XX
Thank you all for your comments. I was not sure how long immune system depressed after chem. I’m sure my gp hasn’t a clue, so I will ask hospital. If I have any further info I will post again.
Good luck with the Herceptin. I finished it in July and am now getting on with my life. Although at the time you feel as though the hospital is your second home, it is a huge relief once treatment is over.
warm greetings
Ps I am to have a flu jab this week but still don’t know about swine flu jab. My daughter is a nurse and she is rather worried about it as its such a new drug.
Prior to starting chemo in November 2006 I asked the oncologists if it was a good idea to get a flu jab and they said yes. I was lucky enough to get my Herceptin done at home in the comfort of my own front room.