Are you given the details of your blood tests?

Yesterday at my preasessment for the second FEC cycle I was told my white blood count was too low so my second cycle has been postponed a week. No info was given about the other tests. It was only afterwards that I thought I should have asked for the actual blood counts or indeed been given a printout.
I would find it really helpful in managing my treatment and interactions with hospital staff if I could hear from others about your experiences eg are you given copies or details of the blood tests or other tests etc?
Many thanks

Hi Athens. I’m treated at the Royal Marsden and they don’t hand out blood test results normally but for some time now I have asked the nurses to let me have a printout. They don’t seem to mind but maybe in some hospitals they might object. I get the whole range of blood tests and if I want to discuss any of the results I have found the nurses to be very willing to explain as well.




As far as I am aware, there are some (rare) circumstances under which patients are not allowed access to their medical information but generally this should be straightforward.  Why should a hospital object?  


I asked for copies/printouts of various results (e.g. pathology report after surgery, radiology reports) and of all letters from hospital to my GP - never refused.  I think you should ask and challenge if refused.  It’s your body, why you shouldn’t have the information? 


Some people wouldn’t want to know which is probably why it’s not handed out routinely.

Hi Athens.  Just had first round.  I wasn’t given a copy, but the import and blood cell counts were written down in my chemo record book and the rest explained.  I will be asking for a copy of the full results next time.  As far as patients are concerned you have a right to a copy as they belong to you and data protection says they can’t refuse - just ask.  Have a good restful weekend. Hbunny