Are you on Letrozole? Please take part in this .......

[quote=“Silver6, post:1, topic:104834”]
a) Which Brand of Letrozole do you take ie Accord;

Sandoz (I live in France)

b) What strength is Letrozole prescribed? 2.5

c) Side effects Yes or No. yes, to start with, mild nausea, very dry mouth, sore knees, water retention. Hot flushes but these started after stop ping HRT. Maybe slightly worse but can’t be sure. All of these have improved as I am exercising a lot, I did before cancer but now aim to do 5 weight training/HIIT sessions per week and walk most days. It’s helping hugely to manage my mood and control of weight etc. and is making the whole thing bearable.

d) How long have you taken Letrozole 2 months

e) Particular time of day you take your Letrozole
[/quote] evening but considering morning if it might help with night hot flushes.

I have been taking the Accord brand of Letrozole (2.5mg) for nearly 3 weeks. I take it at bedtime and haven’t noticed any side effects to date although I realise it’s still early days in the scheme of things. However I am also taking supplements to mitigate possible side effects.

@welsh_lady1 what supplements are you taking please? I’m taking zinc, magnesium citrate and probiotics - all for my lupus - and now prescribed iron for anaemia. I am currently taking Sun brand of Letrozole.

Wishing you well x

Hello nannabee
I’m taking Turmeric with black pepper for my joints and Omega 3 for heart & brain health and cholesterol as my cholesterol was already quite high before starting Letrozole.
Good luck to you, hope all goes well for you.

Sorry …… also prescribed along with the Letrozole was calcium and vit d3 supplement xx

Thank you for the info, forgot I’m also taking omega 3 and been prescribed Calcium and Vit D. So more or less the same. However there have been a couple of threads on turmeric and it’s considered a definite no no with cancer related drugs.

Ive massively improved my diet and practice yoga a couple of times a day so am doing all I can.

Wishing you a continued peaceful and happy time xx

1 Accord
2 2.5mg
3 Indigestion, stomach ache and wind
4 Two and a half months
5 Lunch time with food
I am 81 and am only just experiencing occasional hot flushes but they are very mild

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Hi all
a) Accord tried Sun ( felt more achy, Accord was out of stock, pharmacy has it listed as my preferred brand)
b) 2.5mg
c) Yes. Hot flushes, achy joints, stiff fingers, (possible carpal tunnel in left hand), vaginal atrophy, urgency to wee, brain fog, fatigue.
d) 7 months
e) 7:30pm. I tried taking an hour earlier and earlier over a few days as my hot flushes were worse between 7pm and 7am and my sleep was disturbed. I even tried at lunch time and first thing in the morning. It made no difference so back to 7:30pm).

I wrote this

Hope it helps :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Tried out practically all brands of Letrozole.
Accord seems best for me. Cipla brand seemed the worst for me.
2.5 mg.
Period type pains for the first week or so. (Oncologist very surprised at this) but no bleeding. After that completely ok.
Terrible leg pains to begin with which subsided after about six weeks, however joint pain in legs gradually getting worse. Now after 5 years I still have no trouble walking but in the last six months I have found my knees will not let me climb or descend stairs without real pain and I find it really difficult to get up from an armchair. Knee joints really weak now.
Been on Letrozole for just over 5 years with another 5 years to go.
Have always taken it at night as oncologist suggested. Taken with water.
I am now 73 years old. Started Letrozole when I was 68 after mastectomy and lymph node removal, chemo and radiotheraphy.
Over the past 5 years I have noted the ingredients in the different brands. Accord and Glenmark seem to have ingredients most similar to the original Femera Letrozole.
Hope all this information helps with your survey, please post the results on here eventually.
Sunshine 21

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