
Hi is there anyone from West/East Dunbartonshire ??

Hi Lynn,
is it precisely that area you are interested in? There are a number of us in Glasgow/Ayrshire/Central Belt who post on a thread of the same name and meet now and then. We are various ages and stages. Don’t know if that helps?

Check us out here:

There is a very active Edinburgh/Central/East group too.

PS I altered your title so it gets spotted more easily but it will revert next time someone comments

Hi lynne, I’m from east dunbartonshire and I’m joining the ladies on the glasgow meet xx

Hi Revcat
Thank you just looking for people who live near me,will have a look at the link you sent me x

Lynne, if you fancy joining us for our next lunch, just add a comment on our thread… we never finalise numbers til the day before as we know the idiosyncracies of dealing with bc treatment etc. We are nice people… well the others are :wink:

Hi Lynn,

I am from West Dunbartonshire but won’t manage the lunch as my neuts will be low then.

PM me if you want more details of where I am.


Hi Lynn

I live in East Dumbartonshire. I was diagnosed on 19 Jan 2012 and am having surgery carried out on 29 Feb at GRI, Plastic Surgery Unit.

Still getting to grips with diagnosis - been a bit of a shock for all the family and me!! I am a tough cookie so hopefully will get through this and out the other side!!

Initially registered to see if folks could give me any of their experiences of reconstruction as have to make a decision by tomorrow - Aaagh!!! Need info and have got lots of BCC books etc but its good to find out other peoples experiences.

Hi Calicoshmalico,

I had a lumpectomy on the 16th January so didnt have reconstruction but the ladies on here are lovely and im sure someone will come along soon with good information for you.
When you are diagnosed at first it is a shock but it does get easier. At the begining i couldnt cope mentally i am nursing my mum who has secondaries after 10 yrs and a young family i am also young myself but as time goes on and you find out your treatment plan things become easier.
I start my chemo tomorrow which i am worried sick about but will get through it!!
Take care and good luck with getting the info you are looking for xx

Hello Calicoshmalico,
now there’s a name to conjure with!

Sorry to hear you have to join us. I has a skin sparing mastectomy and immediate LD recon at Canniesburn GRI 3rd feb 2011 - so literally just over a year ago. It all went really well and I thrilled with the result. My PS was a certain famous German woman (we’re not allowed to name names on here) and I was very happy with her work. My ‘normal’ surgeon was from Westrern and he was/is an absolute star in my book.

Feel free to PM me if you think I might have anyhting helpful to say. Othjerwsie hope all goes really well for you and you are soon on the road back to health.

PS If you fancy joining the ‘Glasgow Girls’ for a meal the Saturday before the op (where you can ask questions of varous ones about their experineces if you so wish) pick us up on this thread
and leave a comment. You would be very welcome now, or at a future date.

Hi calico…,

If you put in words ike LD flap or DIEP etc in the search box, you should come up with info from ladies who have shared experiences in the past. I’ve written about my experiences of DIEP and hope you find it helpful. I’ll try to pm you with anything I can find in my sent box. It’s a big decision to make… I decided to go for the big one, so to speak, cos while I was having surgery wanted the best possible result. Good luck,
