My goodness Amanda! I hope your treatment goes well for you! It makes my problem seem completely irrelevant! How is it going for you? Haven a docs appointment today so hopefully will be able to see my ultrasounds xxxxx
Still a bit freaked out. The pain hasn’t gone away. Feels like a razor behind my nipple
Tinkerbell, you need to call your GP, two good reasons; 1. You are going to continue to worry that they have overlooked something and you symptoms could be sinister and it will niggle away at you and 2. You should not be in pain like that, even if the cause is nothing to worry about!
Whatever is the cause, and it could be a number of non cancer things, you need to get it properly identified and then cured!
Amanda x
I went to the doctors today. Was basically told that if the ultrasound was clear then there’s nothing to worry about. Put some ibuprofen gel on it.
Shoulder hurts, pain has localised solely to nipple. Still indenting on one side. Weirdly though it doesn’t hurt after laying down all night then creeps in slowly within about an hour of being stood up or upright. Like something is squashing whatever behind the nipple. Making it all sore. I think it’s the ducts. But again apparently there’s nothing wrong.
I got so angry I called the hospital and demanded something be done ? I am waiting for a call back. Which I don’t think will actually come
You wont rest until you get some answers so keep pushing, you need some treatment for it whatever it is as its causing you so much discomfort and of course your going to worry they might have over looked something.Xx
I don’t blame you, I hope they call you back. I sounds like the GP hasn’t seen the ultrasounds and will take it as said from the radiographer by the sound of it!
Even if they are right and they can see nothing, something must be causing you pain and you shouldn’t have to put up with it. My daughter’s fiancé is a Dr of Medicinal Chemistry working for GlaxoSmithKline and he doesn’t think those ibuprofen gels do anything much; we were discussing it as the GP had told my husband to use it for his painful knee (it didn’t work and he needed minor surgery for it in the end).
Somtimes you need to make a fuss to get some action, but it’s horrible having to do it!
Amanda x
They got back to me and have sent a letter to the GP. So I now have a telephone appointmentioned on Thursday to get re referred back. It’s all very long winded. The pain is so weird! I was feeling around in the bath. When I’m sat up its like I can pinch something painful then as soon as I lay down its gone. Then when it’s in a bra it’s different again. The nipple hurts try to pinch anything though and I can’t ! How are you meant to show them where when you can’t get it yourself! Lol
How’s it going Tinkerbell, have you seen anyone or got an appointment?
Its tricky when you struggle to find it but you know it’s there, I guess you will have to try things to see I’d there is a sure fire way of finding it!
Amanda x
Heya Amanda I went back but the surgeon was worse than the first person . She squashed my breast abd I yelled where it hurt but she said she couldn’t feel any lumps. No scams or anything. She said and I quote “not performing surgery on you just because your boob hurts.” So I haven’t been back. It’s ok kind of I don’t notice it and primrose helps but doesn’t solve it however it also makes me feel sick so I take it every so often when it hurts more.
Jeez… What a blooming nightmare and clearly a surgeon with no bedside manner whatsoever, can’t believe what she said to you!
Well ill I guess you’ll have to see how it goes but if it becomes more painful, you’re going to have to go back to you’re GP and make a nuisance of yourself as you shouldn’t have to put up with it and something must be going on, even if it is probably nothing sinister.
Amanda x