arg I hate this feeling.... is it something to worry over?

For some time not I have become aware of a lump in my left armpit area and have told myself that it is nothing to worry about, yer right. I just looked at it in the mirror, yes I can see it, is sort of flat, oval in shape, a flat acorn, and has some mobility. I am very thin, due to being a headcase, so nothing is hidden.
It is nearly two years since I found the bc lump in my right breast, lobular tumour. I want to hide my head in the sand, I know this feeling.
I suppose I just needed to share my angst, I will go to the docs soon, my GP is fully booked for weeks, but what the hell, some other GP will have to prod.
I suppose I could call bc nurse to see if she is any help. Hmmm.
It does mess with your head.
Hey ho


If you tell the receptionist you have a lump, they will give you an emergency appointment. Mine was the same day. To avoid worrying yourself unduly, you know you need to get it checked out. My brother had a sebaceous cyst in his armpit, so it could be anything other than what you are dreading.

Ring now, before they go home. Good luck!

Ann x

Hi Ann
I did call docs which is why I know my GP is fully booked, so will call for emergency in the morning. Pretty sure it is not a sebaceous cyst. I suppose I worry more because of where it is, the lump I had on the other side was near the armpit and with it being lobular and the increased risk of getting one on the other side is greater…
I will see GP tomorrow. Want to bang my head against a wall!!! or laugh hysterically.


I was diagnosed with lobular in August, had WLE/SNB in September and had my first radiotherapy today, so I am still trying to recover from the shock.

I do so hope you are wrong and that you are ok. Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Ann x

Thanks Ann,
How was your first radiotherapy session? How many do you have to go?
Hope it flies by.
I too hope that I am worrying unnecessrily.
Take care Alice

Hi Alice, so sorry you are back into the anxious place, its bloody awful, isn’t it?
I would suggest you ring your breast care nurse - I have found I get seen much more quickly if I do that, it saves GP referral and ‘going round the houses’ to get seen by your consultant and I’ve also found that the hosp team have been very supportive in this way - you get the reassurance you need quickly and if its not reassurance, you’re back in the system as soon as possible. Its only reasonable to be worried, and I have found that they accept that fully.
wish you the best of luck - let us know how you get on
monica xxx

Alice dont wait-phone your bc nurse tomorrow and ask to be seen at once.Dont wait for the gp.
Good Luck x

Can you offer some words of wisdom please, i am going to phone the bc nurse, if i can get through its clinic day.

i am 8 months post recon no problems, however for the past few days i feel as if soemone has tied a piece of string very tightly along my bra line just ubder my recon boob and back,not putting bra on

no redness or lumps just this stiffness tightness , scared to death that soemthing is happening to the recon, ot to my ribs !!!

advice welcome xx

Alice - Thanks you for your good wishes. I have to have 15 plus 4 boosters. It went ok, didn’t have to wait long. I did ache last night, breast and back, but that may have been because the ‘bed’ is very hard to lie on but apart from that, no problems. Ok, today. They rang yesterday afternoon to say that the machine broke down after I went, and can I go at a different time today, as they have to double book. Hey ho!
Good luck to you.

truffle shuffle - Sorry I don’t know the answer to your question, but you could ring the helpline here if you can’t get through to your BCN.

Ann x

Hi Alice,

I just wanted to endorse what a few others have said, to say I think the best route is to go through the hospital, and indeed via the bcn if you have the contact. It saves wasting your time and the GPs and really the sooner you know what you are dealing with the better. I hope it is something innocent, but if not you will deal with it. I have been there a few times and know for me,the sooner I got answers the better. It is a horrid place to be in.


Thanks ladies for your posts
Could not get appointment with my gp today or for two weeks for that matter, Really would prefer to see her, not a male doc I don’t know, daft really but it is having to explain. Anyway comprimise have appointment next Wed, with another female doc who I have at least seemn before. I did not try and contact the breast clinic, I know I would be seen sooned but feel better in the first instance seeing gp since have other issues which affect my confidence and ability to voice my concerns even when there is a bloody lump!
Obviously if I get in too much of a state I will call clinic, but we are told that a week here or there won’t make much difference, lets hope that is correct.
All the best to everyone Alicex


Well, at least you have an appointment now. As with all of this, you must do what is right for you. I do hope it goes well for you. Please let us know how you get on.

Ann x

Thanks Ann
Will keep you updated : )x

Goodness doesn’t time go slowly… still in two minds as to what to do… half worries half indifferent re lump.
What do dodgy nodes look/feel like?

Swollen and hard.

shape? mobile or not? size?

although more like the lobular lump I had before…