Arimidex advice please
Arimidex advice please Any advice on best time of day or night to take Arimidex?
Have been on it for 3 weeks now taking it about 9 p m but find the flushes are worse the following afternoon which really interferes with my work.
I always take Arimidex after my evening meal at around 6.00pm. A friend of mine takes hers after breakfast so I think it’s just a question of “trial and error” until you find what suits you best. You may find that the flushes will subside when you have been taking it for a couple of months as I think it takes a while for your body to adjust to any new drug.
Best wishes
Arimidex I take numerous pills for Crohn’s and breast cancer , including Arimidex,and find it easier to take them all when I get up in the morning and make a cup of tea. I don’t forget it then, just a ritual like putting the teabag into the pot. I had a hysterectomy at 51 yrs so have suffered with the menopausal symptoms for a long time. We lived in Spain then, and I stupidly thought it was due to the heat. Gosh, it has been some 16 yrs since the hysterectomy, and although Josie says her symptoms did subside earlier, they didn’t for me. until about a year ago -yikes, some 15 yrs later. Hope it all goes better for you.