Arimidex and the menopause


I wondered what anyone who is on Arimidex knows about the symptoms of the menopause.

My question is this…my periods stopped after my 2nd chemo back in 2006 so went into what the experts seem to call an instant menopause. I was initially put on Tamoxifen but when it was established through blood tests that I was menopausal, I was changed to Arimidex.

Most women going through the menopause have many unpleasant symptoms which pretty much match the side effects of Arimidex. If they are unable to cope they are given HRT which of course we BC ladies can’t.

So…if the menopause can be bad on its own, will Arimidex make the symptoms even worse as its job is to remove as much oestrogen as possible?

I’m into my last year and have found the symptoms of Arimidex/menopause hard to separate and are definitely getting worse, to the point that I don’t know if I can cope anymore.

How can I separate what the Arimidex is doing to me and what the menopause is doing? or shouldn’t I even bother…?

Sheana x

This is a difficult question. I am post-menopause but take Tamoxifen. I started off on Femara (letrozole) which is of the same family of drugs as Arimidex. I found it very hard-going and the consultant switched me to Tamoxifen because you can use a locally applied oestrogen cream to the vagina to counteract dryness. I still have the odd hot flush and night sweats (something I didn’t have during the menopause because I was on hormone replacement therapy). Sorry I can’t be more helpful and good luck with getting an answer.


Hi Sheana,

Could I suggest that you give the helpline here a ring and have a chat with one of staff about this, they may be able to suggest something to help you. Lines are open now until 5pm (M-F 9-5 and Sat 9-2) calls are free, 0808 800 6000.

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

Hi Sheena

I don’t know, but I suspect it is very difficult to distinguish the two. But I am going to see my onc this afternoon, and as I am due to start Femara in February (possible sooner if it turns out from scans that my Avastin isn’t working) this issue is one of the things I was going to ask her about. As I was menopausal already at dx 13 months ago, chemo definitely made me post menopausal - so I am assuming that things won’t get much worse with Femara. My symptoms are fairly manageable - aches and pains but hot flushes are rare, particularly since giving up coffee and alcohol. If I get any useful information I will post about it later.

finty xx

Ok thanks finty x

Hi Sheana

(sorry I spelt your name wrong earlier)

My onc seems to think that after a few months on AI’s the system sort of resets itself so that the se’s of AI’s reduce, and you are left with mainly menopausal symptoms. The figures she quoted are that after menopause oestrogen levels are reduced to about 3% of previous levels, and the AI’s reduce it further to about 0.6%. Having said that, I’ve read plenty of posts here from ladies saying their se’s disappear very quickly when they stop taking AI’s.

So I’m not sure if that is any help to you or not.

finty xx

Thanks finty…interesting to actually get some figures on the oestrogen levels.

It seems from posts on here and other info that there really isn’t rule of thumb, everyone is different. I rang the helpline as they suggested and spoke to a lovely lady who said that some women’s SE’s with Arimidex are worse to start with and then tail off, others get worse as they go along. She suggested I go and talk to my GP and explain how I have been feeling and get her to do some blood tests to rule out any other causes. What I described to her could be many things, including menopause or Arimidex. I personally think I may have depression but as I’m already on anti depressants I don’t know where I go from here.

The only way I will know what’s what is when I stop the Arimidex next September and see how I feel.

Sheana x

Could you try a different AI? I seem to remember a thread about some brands having fewer se’s than others - although I think the one that everyone preferred was being withdrawn :frowning:

I suppose trying a different one is an option but with only 10 months to go I have my doubts that I would be prescribed it…probably told to grit my teeth and see it through.

When I have looked on other sites about Arimidex, a fair number of women just stop taking it because they reckon their quality of life is so poor that it’s just not worth it. Think the site is something like…‘askpatient…’ and it’s made up just of patient reviews on the drug. I don’t think I’m brave enough to fly solo without it just yet.

I’ve decided that I will try and get an appointment with my GP and explain what’s been going on…all in about 6 mins lol …and see what she says.

Thanks for your input finty, much appreciated :slight_smile:

Sheana x