Arimidex ? link with high Liver Function Tests

Have any of you had high Liver Function Test readings on Arimidex?

My readings have been high now for a couple of years. Doctors have said at first it was caused by alcohol - but I don’t drink much. No more than a glass (ordinary measure) of wine a day. Many days without.

I have just had another LFT where readings were even higher and I was sent iimmediatly for a liver unltrasound scan. I feared the worst! The scan showed up a cyst of 26mm but the radiologist was not concerned about this cyst and said there was no sign of cancer - which I was very relieved about! He mentioned alcohol too but disregarded when I told him how little I drink. He said he thought it might be the medication - particularly Arimidex but he said to have a word with my oncologist.

I went back to my GP and he says to cut out alcohol altogether and he will take another test to see what it shows up then. He is still thinking that the readins are high because of alcohol but I think it is to do with the tablets I am taking and not alcohol.

I don’t really want to stop taking the Arimidex.

Anyone else with this problem - and advice please.


Yes I’ve had high readings since taking Arimidex. I was diagnosed with both breast cancer and bone mets in 2003 so was very concerned when I was first told of my high readings. I thought I had further progression although my Onc didn’t think so as my tumour markers were all low. Because I was worried I was given an ultrasound and all was found to be well. Was also asked about my alcohol intake and I don’t drink, not a drop! My readings have continued to remain high but stable and I’m told by my Onc that it’s just a side effect of Arimidex and it’s nothing to worry about.
I’ve had no progression and live well thanks to Arimidex which has been working well for me since Spring 2005. Hope my post has helped!


Thank you very much for your reply. It has helped me a lot to put things in perspective.

Thanks again.

Christiane x