Don’t know if anyone can help me with this one. I started taking Arimidex in July. In September I started bleeding. Went to the gynae clinic and they recommended Replens. Have been using it for a week and have found it to be rather messy - if you get my drift! Now I’ve begun to have a horrid yellow discharge. It’s not smelly - although I haven’t got my nose that close!
Has anyone else experienced problems of this kind? Not sure what to do, do I stop using it or what???
I had the same prob which happened 2-3 months after taking arimidex - see post by going to search and typin in ‘vaginal discharge’ (prefer your way of describing it! mine was a bit direct!!! lol!!) anywya you’ll see the post thread - and couple of other ladies too had same prob - I was fortunate and mine went after 2 or 3 months - cant rem now - says on that post - and now I dont have any symptoms at all from arimedex. At the time my consultatn said that there was no reason to get such a problem from arimedex, but somewher on the net i found somethin that indicated that there occasionally is a side effect and its bleeding/discharge although the my consultant never backed this up. and I am not a doctor so you should get it checked out, i had a ultra scan to check to see if there was any probs and the next day it cleared up !! was weird!
anwyay, perhaps you should ask for a ultra scan just to make sure, i am not sure whta replens is, but all can say is I hope like mine the problem sorts itself out soon - i put it down to the body just gettin used to it and takes time for the hormonal balance or non balance to be adjusted.
hi lynda I have been on arimidex for 8 weeks and I have been taking replens and have the same yellow discharge as you have so obviously its all part of the side effects of the treatment Take care love suzan x
Many thanks for your help. Since my last posting I’ve also had some dark speckles appear - I’m tempted to say its soot! but perhaps that is over reacting!