Has anyone experienced weight gain since being on Arimidex? After 4 months I have put on just under a stone and am now concerned. i have not changed my diet but due to prior treatment ( chemo & rads) had to end my gym membership im March. I have today joined a ladies gym which fits in with my life but also allows for those ‘tired’ days when I can’t do much.Is this enough or is it a wasted effort?Not listed as a s.e so is it unusual?
I know this is somewhat trival but it is making me feel low…
Hi Techno. Don’t know if it’s any use but in the last 18 months I’ve put on a stone with Tamoxifen too! I was very fit prior to bc but the chemo destroyed my body so I lost over a stone during treatment. But as I’ve grown fitter and stronger the weight’s gone on. Others have said the same so really, as long as you’re eating healthily and doing the amount of exercise that you can cope with, I shouldn’t worry too much. It comes off eventually - apparently as long as you’re sensible! Hope this helps. Susie
i started tamoxifen in june and already have put on at least 10 pounds! I was always hippy but now I’ve got a belly to go with it. I am definitely not as active as before BC but I dont think that is the main reason. It must definitely be an unwritten side effect
I’ve been on Arimidex and put on loads of weight. I’m scared to get on the scales so I can’t tell you how much. My BC nurse says it’s a common side effect of Arimidex combined with the menopause etc. I did lose some weight about a year ago but to do it I was starving myself so that was no good…now I’m back where I was.
Thanks for such prompt replies - yeap my gain is all round my tummy and upper legs. Wondered if there was a better hormone that didn’t pile on the pounds! after another 4 years plus I can’t think what i will be like…
It’s on my tummy too - never had one before and suddenly after 7 months of chemo and inactivity, there it was!! I’ve come to the conclusion that whilst on the hormone treatment I’ll probably have to watch everything I eat and exercise twice as hard! Difficult I know but it’s worth it if it doesn’t come back, I feel. However, surgeon says my tummy is now ‘perfect’ for a DIEP flap and tummy tuck early next year - result! Have to ensure I keep off the weight after that but reading some other posts and now worried that the fat transfer to my breast (had mastectomy 18 months ago) will reduce in time. Anyone know? Susie
I am on tamoxifen. I have been on it for 6 months and have gained 1 stone. My diet is healthy. I am not yet back at the gym.I am presuming it is a combination of lack of exercise and hormone treatment. I am not happy as I am normally slim.
Is weight gain another SE of Arimidex???
Ive noticed my belly now feels as if its sitting on my lap!!!
and feels huge. BUT the scales still tell me that I havent put on any weight ( thank goodness) but in the 9 weeks Ive been taking Arimidex Ive been demolishing anything chocolaty I can lay my hands on - but I never touched it before - so can I blame it on the tablets ???
I too have put on weight with Arimidex, however I have been using a pedometer for the last few months and try and do ten thousand steps a day - some days I don’t succeed though, but I put that down to an artificial knee, a rebuilt knee and a bad back!!! It has been interesting to note that I always felt I took a lot of walking exercise (with two large dogs) but until I used the pedometer I realised that I wasn’t walking nearly as far as I thought I was!! The weight is slowly coming off. I’ve been on Arimidex for 3 years now.
In my case I am not sure if it is the Arimidex or the oopherectomy or a combination of the two. My dogs all got fatter after they were spayed so I think it is par for the course!
My body just isn’t the same since treatment. Before treatment if I were eating and exercising as much as I am these days I would be losing about 4-5lbs a week. But it just won’t shift nowadays. My whole metabolism appears to have changed.
Really don’t think it is anything to do with the Arimidex. I lost weight on chemotherapy and kept it off during my first yea f Arimidex .
Sadly some of it has crept back recently - and it’s because I feel good and have regained my hearty appetite. I know I am not exercising sufficiently to compensate- eg my husband has a bad hip so we tend to dawdle rather than walk briskly when we exercise our dog; I know I am just kidding myself- I need to be more energetic and to eat less!.
hi a am on exemastane another of the AI family and was told by my gp when i compained of gaining weight that the tablets are an appetite enhancer so we eat more without realising it.
Hello. I’m also on exemestane (aromasin). I am 3 stone heavier than when diagnosed 4 years ago ! One and a half stone went on during chemo and since then I’ve just carried on gaining weight.
Right now I’m making a serious attempt to get some weight off, but it’s much more difficult than it was before BC. Both my onc and breast surgeon say the exemestane makes it more difficult to lose weight. But I have managed to lose a few pounds and shall continue trying. In addition to watching what I eat, I’ve added an extra mile to my daily walk so I do 3 miles every day.
Hey thanks for all the response
I still feel somewhat shallow for being concerned about my weight when the bottom line is my treatment is there to give me more life. But as my clothes get more uncomfortable I do feel low. 2 weeks into my new gym and am not completly sure it will ‘stop’ this weight gain( I was use to a much more full on regime before b.c - yeah and I loved it). tell myself that every bit of exercise has to help. Food wise I eat as I did before bc with the odd lapse into comfort food.I just dont wanna knock myself out if its a losing battle ( the weight gain that is)
Thanks again ladies -