Arimidix and new lumps


My mother (78) has been living with breast cancer for 2 years and the one lump seemed to be controlled by her taking Arimidix. She has refused to have the breast removed because she has so many friends have struggled after the operation and she hates hospitlas (MRSA etc!!) Just before New Year she noticed a new lump and they put her on a new drug. She has now found a third lump and they have put her back on double the dose of Arimidix.
I have so many questions - do these new lumps mean the cancer is spreading. If so are they just local to the breast or will it spread elsewhere. My father died of bone cancer and I don;t want my mother to suffer in the same way. I don’t want to ask these questions with her - because I don;t think she wants to know the prognosis. We do though - because her grandchildren want to spend time with her, and so do I and once we know the prognosis we will know how to plan this time. Does anyone have any answers.

Hi jv128432

Welcome to the forums. I am sure you will soon receive replies from the other users with details of their experiences. In the mean time if you would like some of your
questions answered please feel free to contact our free phone helpline where you are able to discuss any concerns you may have with regard to your Mum. The helpline team comes from a variety of backgrounds, so callers get to talk to someone who has an understanding of the issues they are facing. They are able to talk about both practical and emotional issues surrounding breast cancer and breast health problems.

The number to call is free phone 0808 800 6000 and the line is open Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 9am to 2pm.

I hope you find this helpful.

Kind regards

BCC Facilitator