Arm Pain

Hi I’ve had Lymphoedema in my arm now for 12 months and up until the last few weeks it has been painless but now my arm feels heavy and its beginning to be difficult to raise. I feel its getting worse but does anybody else experience pain? Funnily a couple of months ago whilst chatting at the hairdressers a lady said her sister had a painful arm from the odema and I said no mine was fine, perhaps I should have said nothing.
Love Lesley

I have had lymphoedema for a year and my arm has increased in size. It now sometimes aches. I also get pins and needles in the hand first thing in the morning or if I hold something for a while. I also get it in the other hand as well - unaffected side. Do you get this? The lymphoe nurse did ask if I had pins and needles and I said no forgetting at the time. Is this serious? I wonder if lymphoedema and lack of lymph glands causes all sorts of problems. I also get excessive sweating on that arm now and my GP said it is caused by severing the nerves under the arm.

Hi both

I have experienced breast and arm pain even though I only had a few lymph nodes removed, my arm is nearly always aching and heavy, however a visit to the lymphoedema nurse last year proved very useful. My husband and I use a massage method to encourage drainage of fluid through the good side of my body by opening up lymph nodes, we started doing this daily at first but now only need to do it when my arm becomes too difficult for me to cope with, maybe once a week or so. It is a very specific technique and requires training it’s worth asking your BCN if any of them are trained in this skill.

Good luck

Hi All
I have had pain and soreness in my arm ever since the MX last August 09 . I was continually told it would improve as would the swelling. The swelling never did go down and has proved to be Lymphoedema. I now have a sleeve to wear which helps a lot. The arm is however still painful mainly underneath. I am told it is the nerves repairing themselves! We will see but I am not convinced.
RR xxx