I can certainly identify with your ‘weird’ discomfort.
I had a mastectomy in December ‘19, followed by a full lymph node clearance in February ‘20. A year down the line, I still feel that disconcerting sensation you describe. Some days it is downright painful and debilitating, other days just a nagging discomfort. But always there, and so alien it is almost impossible to describe. I feel as though there is something preventing me putting my arm tight against my side, as though I am clutching something under my arm whilst wearing a barbed wire vest. It interrupts my sleep and makes me generally crotchety. The pain across my main mastectomy scar has gradually lessened and I continue to hope that this weird nerve pain/ polystyrene-like numbness under my arm will gradually subside too.
Sadly, I can offer you no advice or solutions. But, yes, I am certainly there with you!
Hi LouJP - I had my surgery (mastectomy and node clearance) almost 4 years ago and I well remember that numb feeling. Gradually a lot of the feeling has come back now. I’m not medical so I don’t know what causes the numb feeling or how it has changed, but it feels a lot more normal now. All the best to you, Evie xx
It’s over two years since my mastectomy and axillary clearance. My elbow skin feels tender, then everything from the outer arm up to the armpit is numb. I’m not sure how deep it goes (when I get an itch, it a b*****) but it’s more than just the skin.
There is a disconnect between this and the discomfort under my arm which is damaged muscle and scar tissue - one needs building up (more exercises that get skipped when they shouldn’t); the other needs breaking down (even more exercises and massage - which I do do). I too get that swollen feeling under my arm and to the side of my scar - it feels like there should be a huge swelling there but there’s nothing. I think after major surgery, sometimes not everyone is lucky.
A lot of nerves are inevitably severed during this type of surgery. Some heal, some heal for some people, some just don’t heal and you get used to the strange sensations. So long as you are sweeping up and across and are massaging the area appropriately, I’m told it’s pot luck as to how well it heals. I’m still optimistic.
I get a weird feeling sometimes too. I think for me it’s a combination of numb cut nerves and some swelling from lymphoedema. It’s not painful at all, but it is disconcerting.
I had a wide insicion and lymph note removal. Sometimes when I massage it’s extremely painful (needles, very tender) I was told it’s the nerve endings and not to worry. Some days it’s fine to touch. Some days it’s uncomfortable having my arm by my side, like there’s an egg in my bra. Again breast care nurse says that’s ok. 10months sine surgery. Last few months my outer upper arm has been sensitive to touch and painful to lie on in bed. Almost into my collar bone I feel pain if I try to lie on my surgery side, yet it was ok a few months ago. Limited movement, particularly when unhooking my bra so find front zip ones easier. Doing excersises daily , felt like I was getting better then a back step.
In case you are still wondering - I had my surgery in June last year and my underarm still feels weird, as you put it. I do my anti lymphodaemia exercises and massage with cream. It doesn’t hurt and I’m getting the impresio that it’s considered normal.