Hi all
I am going to hospital tomorrow armed and dangerous with my questions queries, printouts and demands. I am mostly very timid but I think if I dont fight for me, who will? Baiscally I want albation for my one liver met of 5.5cms. They said they wanted to skrink it as it was too big. But on doing my own research it can to done to tumour under 7 cms. I am currently just starting vinorlbine had one of nine and then they said scan. But Dr did say that it only has a 20 to 30 precent of working. I dont want to wait 9 weeks and then the tumour be to big and albation will be ruled out completely. I even have thought about going private, dont have the cash but I have good friends who said they would fundraise.
My question is do you think I am mad, losing my mind or should I go for it and has anyone every had similar experiences.
Many thanks Cheezy
Go for it Cheezy! No you are not mad.
I do think though, that the smaller the size they can reduce your tumour to, the better the chances of successful ablation.
Good Luck tomorrow,
Hi Cheezy
I agree with Jenny I dont think they like to do ablation and I dont know why other countries seem more keen.
Good luck I am a great believer in asking lots of question nd keeping notes I am on my second book!
Love Debsxxx
There is a surgeon at the RVI in Newcastle who specialises in ablation for tumours on the liver.i know it is not a permanent solution as the tumours tend to grow again.i know this as my ex husband had the procedure 5 times in all.Sorry I cant be more xplicit but I am sure googling RVI and liver ablation would help.All the best valx
I’m wondering how you got on, Cheezy?
This is something I’ve looked at before, and my Onc has said he would support me if i wanted to go for it. (At the moment the Herceptin and Tamoxifen are holding things, so we’re sticking with that.)
Val’s post highlighted for me the fact that it’s such a relatively un-invasive procedure (in that it’s perfectly possible to have it done 5 times if it’s effective) that I would say go for it. Compared to a resection, which is much more demanding in terms of serious surgery and recovery time, it’s really quite quick and painless. (I did say ‘relatively’!)
Let us know what they said
love Jacquie