I’ve been lurking around for a couple of weeks and thought I might as well add a post. I’m 39, post-menopausal as I had a full hysterectomy a few years ago. Work full time, partner with disabilities and a 12yo.
Couple of weeks ago, I found a lump under my armpit, big enough for me to “cup” with my palm, if I put my whole hand under my armpit. Went to docs about something else & at the end of the appt, said “by the way, can you look at this…” She checked it out & said she could also feel a thickening in the same breast & referred me to the breast clinic to be reviewed within 2wks. I phoned them yesterday to get my appointment rather than have to wait for the post, and its on Sept 17th, which feels like AGES away.
I’ve now made my breast sore, digging around to try and feel this “thickening”, which to me, feels like a small lump. I spent the whole day in bed yesterday, either crying or in a panic but promised myself that I’d feel better today. I can’t spend the next fortnight in bed, or in a panicked state as I’ll go mad!
So thanks for listening & understanding. My partner is female and very wonderful but I don’t want to make her too stressed by going on about it all the time.
Thanks for listening
Hi Betty, I am In Exactly the same position as you and completely understand how you feel. My appointment is on 15th Sept and part of me is relieved it’s further away so i don’t have to face what might be just yet, but the other part of me is struggling keeping up the pretence of normal while it is constantly playing on my mind. I keep looking at the indent thinking how can something that looks so insignificant hold the potential to be so damaging and like you I can’t stop feeling and looking for further symptoms. I have a slight coughand am now thinking it’s already spread to my lungs! Sorry I can’t offer words of advice but it helps knowing we are not alone. Let’s hope the news is good for us and we can put this nightmare behind us and if it’s not we can be as strong and positive as other people on here are.
Thanks Claire - really appreciate your reply. The internet is a Bad Place, I’m googling far too much. Seeing as we have our appts in the same week, we can cross everything together ? xxxx
Thanks Caffy - the waiting is the *worst*! I’d rather just know, have a plan, be able to get on with it. I think that’s my inner control freak demanding to be In Charge! ???
Well, my letter arrived in the post today. Appt confirmed on 17th. Am in maintenance-level anxiety mode, managing to keep it reasonably contained to the outside but inside my head im thinking ALL SORTS! I wish I could shut my brain up for a bit.
Anyway, what will be will be. 9 days to go. #countdown ?
Panicking today - can’t concentrate on anything. Am at work (but not doing much!) on a late shift and so can’t go home early.
I want to just go to bed until Thursday. I feel a bit ridiculous in case its nothing, but this lump under my arm doesn’t feel like nothing.
Just wanted to offload - good luck on Wednesday Claire - hope your appt goes ok x
Claire, I’m exactly the same. I flick on the news and its about breast cancer, because I’ve been searching it online, all the adverts are about cancer (THANKS GOOGLE, YOU STALKER!) & I’m constantly conscious that there might be nothing serious about my lumps & so I feel like a malingerer! Honestly, I’ll be glad when Thursday comes, altho that’s only my initial appt, I might have another week to wait. I cried at work yesterday so today I’m settling down with an old faithful Maeve Binchy and not moving from the sofa.
Hope you’re ok, you must be nervous about tomorrow so I hope you can find something to distract you today xxx
Ah Claire I’m sorry its not great news but really pleased that you felt well cared for. Do you have anyone close to talk about it? Not many suggestions on managing the anxiety - I’m flitting between reading books that I love, watching terrible TV, cleaning the house and googling & scaring myself silly & I don’t know that I can recommend any of them! Sending love xxxx
Thanks Claire - phoned in sick today, as couldn’t face work. Felt like a bit of a flake, but normally very dedicated & have promised myself that I’ll go back in on Friday if it’s good news tomorrow. Have spent the day on the sofa, avoiding all social media & the Internet in general. I’ve read your other thread &
I’m sorry you’re having such a bad time & that I can’t be more help. Appt in the morning so will post tomorrow evening & let you know how I get on. Sending love xx
Hi all, just thought I’d post and let you know I got the all clear today. Lump is accessory breast tissue which is likely caused by my HRT. Apparently it can spontaneously grow anywhere in the chest region, which is a bit gross but something I’ll live with. Good luck to everyone here, Claire, I’ll be thinking of you xxx