Hi all.Im new to this so please be patient.
I have a biggish lump in my right armpit which can be clearly seen. Its not painful at all,its not soft and squishy but its not brick hard either.I got an appointment with a G.P I had’nt seen before, she thought it was lymph node. I was told to go back in a few weeks. Anyway made an appointment with my usual G.P and seen him on Wednesday. He things the lump is a cyst…Confused. com lol. He is making an appointment for an ultrasound and appointment to see surgeon about removal as he thinks it would be better to take it out. I am worried silly over this and everywhere i look at the minute there is something about B.C…Just some advice for a worried Mum… xx
Hi jmum,
You are doing the right thing by getting it checked out by the surgeon. Easier said than done, but try not too worry. I know I’ve been there. Appointments usually are quick, and so are the results.
Take care, and let us know how you get on.
Dotty2 xx
Thanks so much for replying so quick. My G.P said it would be two different appointments and that the ultrasound should come first. He never mentioned if the appointment would be at the breast clinic… Have not heard anthing as yet…just finding it hard to stop thinking about it. hope all is good with you…xx
Hi jmum and welcome to the BCC forums
I am posting a link to the ‘Referral to a breast clinic’ publication which you may find helpful:
Please also feel free to call our helpline for further support and information on 0808 800 6000, weekdays 9-5 and Sat 9-2.
Take care
You are doing the right thing to have it checked it could well be a cyst which could be drained or an overactive node reacting to an infection.Have you had a sore throat or anything recently?
Good Luck
another possibility is cat scratch, if you have a cat and have been scratched it can cause the lymph node to swell. It is known as cat scratch.
No no cats. No sickness or illnesses at all…
Hopefully appointment wont be long so I can relax a bit.I always thought if you had a cyst it would have a head on it. I have tried the whole hot compress thing and no joy of bringing it to a head. Thanks for the feedback xx
Cysts don’t have to have a head on them. I had lots of cysts in my breasts and I can tell you, they didn’t have a head! I think you might be thinking of sebaceous cysts, which are in the skin, whereas the sort of cysts you might get in your armpit would be below the skin.
And just because you feel well doesn’t mean your body isn’t fighting an infection. It’s possible your lymphatic system could be just doing its job and fighting an infection before it takes hold.
Hi jmum,
you are doing the right thing by getting checked out. The scans will give an accurate picture about what is going on.
Wishes for you that your appointment comes through soon as it is an unnerving time to say the least. Once you have the scans then you will get some peace of mind.
Be kind to yourself, indulge in some relaxation,easier said than done but if you manage to it does help.
Hope you get good news soon
Hugs Suze x
Really glad to know you are getting checked out - for years I had lumps under my arm that came up and down with low immunity and post-viral fatigue and they were not a problem - problem was that when they became cancerous the GP and I didn’t detect this for too long…
Hoping your tests give you reassuring info
Well guys today I noticed a indentation in the breast where the armpit lump is…needless to say phoned my G.P who wanted to see it. Went o surgery and Dr has now sent off an urgent referral. I am flipping worried sick as its been 3 weeks since i first saw G.P about the lump in my armpit and the ultrasound app was arranged.
Going out of my head here any advice please… worried mum xx
By the way the appointment will be with the breast unit. The waiting is just awful…I need to know one way or the other xx
Waiting for investigation and for results is really hard, no two ways about it. It would be pointless to say don’t worry, because we all do.
Best wishes,
Hi jmum
The Waiting Room is the worst possible place and we’ve all been there. Well done for taking your lumpy bits to be checked out. I can’t say more than what has been said already (9/10 lumps seen at breast clinics turn out to be nothing to worry about).
Good luck.
Hi jmum,
Waiting is always the worst. As Chocciemuffin says we’ve all been there. The lump doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s anything to worry about, and again you’re doing the right thing by getting it checked out. Hope you get your appointment soon.
Dotty2 xx
Hey guys just wanted to say I phoned hospital today about appointment and ended up getting a cancellation for tomorrow morning at 9.30. So glad I phoned up, hopefully tomorrow I will know one way or the other. My mum and close friend wanted to go with me but I would rather go on my own, is that normal,think I would cope better by myself.
will let you all know how it goes and I hope you are all well. xx
Hoping all goes well - I had lumps that came up and down under my arms for years and years when I was feeling run down; problem was that I did not, and nor the the GP, realise that last year the lumps had turned cancerous so my advice to everyone is to now get checked out as the lumps can change - so am really glad you’ve been assertive with your GP. Going with someone - I hate having others sit around in waiting rooms with me and usually go be myself but when it’s “important” news like this or after a scan (for me now) I take someone with me as I never know what I’ll hear or how I’ll react and it’s useful to have them there to prompt questions if there’s some info I need really hear and remember in case I’ve “shut off” because it’s bad news… Do be prepared in case you need someone to drive you home as well.
Plan for the bad but I’m hoping for the best for you - you are doing really well being assertive and getting in for a quick appt for result - hope to hear from you again soon
Good, that cuts down the worrying time a bit! I didn’t take anyone with me for my first appointments at the clinic, even the one where they said “I’m sorry to have to tell you but…” I DID need to have my other half at the one where I got the full results though, that was a toughie, but procedures I went to on my own. Whatever works best for you.
Well lovely people, went to the clinic had a mammogram and ultrasound and all appears to be normal thank goodness. Dr says lump is defo a cyst and to keep appointment with surgeon to get it removed.
Relief is no word to explain how i feel and if this has taught me anything it is to be more breast aware. Anyway most of all want to thank everyone on the forum for all your wise words and I really and truely wish you all well on your journey. Thank you all so so much xx
Jmum, what a shame they don’t have emoticons with flags and balloons and streamers on, because that’s what the news deserves! I can’t tell you how happy I am for you!
What a relief for you.
Best of all ishes.
Dotty2 xx