arnica after fat transfer op

Hello Ladies
I’ve been reading posts about ladies who have undergone fat transfer ops and the recommendation of arnica gel post op. My fat transfer of is July 18 and have already bought the arnica in an attempt to combat the bruising, can you tell me please, how soon after the op you can use the arnica? Is it immediately or do you have to wait as you did after recon whilst scarring healed.
Also, how soon after the fat transfer op, was anybody able to resume their exercise programme?

Hi I had a diep in November and my PS recommended that I use Arnica cream and Arnica tablets. I used the cream two weeks before the op and then carried on for about 4/5 weeks afterwards - it did certainly help with brusing and inflamation/ The tablets are tiny ones that you put under your tongue I think I had to take around 2 at meals times they too helped my brusing and general healing. You should start exercising (mindly) as soon as you can after the op - but proper gym exercising around 6 DIEP which is fantastic - I couldn’t manage that but we are all different and our bodies heal in different ways so I think you have to decide when you feel up to it but you should take it very carefullly. good luck for 18th x

Have to post this on an existing topic as I cannot post a new topic, anybody else having problems with this?
Can BCC team put this as a new topic please as ‘dissipation after fat transfer’
I had fat transfer 3 weeks ago and was warned by PX that I would experience dissipation can anyone advise me over what time period this happens over. Mine has reduced from initial operation but I’m hoping I can hold onto what I’ve still got left! I am scheduled in for at least another one of these ops.
