
My op is on Friday and i bought some arnica(30c strength), and i’m unsure how much to take, and when to start it…my surgeon says he’s happy for me to take it but couldn’t (or wouldn’t) say how much and when…so anyone out there who has taken it??and what did you do???

I took normal strength for 5 days before my mastectomy (November 2007) and found it remarkable; I had a very minor bruise on my upper arm where I think I was “man-handled” during the course of the operation, but absolutely zero bruising on the scar where my breast had been removed. For a couple of days if felt as if a small pony had kicked me in the chest, but nothing that warranted major pain relief. In fact I did not even need a paracetamol, and when they asked (on a daily basis) to rate my pain from 0-10, it was always “nul points”!

I hope this helps. Good luck with your op.

Bubs x


I took it for about 4 days before my op, obviously nothing on day of op, and then took it again for about a week once I got home. It really helps with healing and stopping the bruising. The nurses told me to take it when I saw them at my pre-op tests and said they had been trying to get the surgeons to recommend it for 2 years and had just succeeded in making them realise how good it is. So the strength you have bought is fine and start taking soon. Good luck with your operation!

Hello Narnia

I took a stronger potency but didn’t take it in advance as I had the op at short notice and didn’t think of it in time. I also made up my own doses as I didn’t have time to check, but I don’t recommend that.

I took Arnica on the day of my op and for a week later but I was then told that I went on too long. Don’t know whether you should take on the day of the op like I did, but I did tell everyone at the hospital. I also had a surgery mix made by Ainsworths Homeopathic Pharmacy.

I had a WLE and took some paracetamol as instructed for a few days afterwards, but none of the stronger things they gave me. Haven’t really felt too bad at all and it’s all settled down very quickly.

I found calling Ainsworths very helpful. you can find them on the web.

good luck!

I too took arnica and found I healed very quickly and hardly bruised at all.I dont know why its not automatically recommended!

I took arnica 30c, the nurses were as impressed as I was how little bruising there was, and how quickly it all healed. Sorry, seem to be repeating josyemarie… good luck for Friday, hope all goes well.

Yes I’ve been taking arnica 200 since my op on monday and healing quickly with very little pain. Didn’t need any other conventional pain killers.

I suspect that because it comes under the heading of herbal medicine, it tends to be ignored. The nurses in the onc. suite agreed on how effective it is in dealing with bruising, in tones of surprise.