Hello all,
Had a wobble so phoned a friend. Yes it’s 1:30 am. Yes I was so stupid to ring them. Feel really alone and very frightened. Kinda telling myself to just pull it together but it’s not working. I tried some food to get comfy with…a cuppa…snuggle up in bed…nope. nothing helps.
Friend had said to ring if I needed anything so I did. Didn’t work out. really didn’t work out. I didn’t just launch into my concern and what’s troubling me. I tried to guage that they were awake and bright to talk. posed a couple questions to lead in and thought all was fine. how wrong was I.
when I’m telling close friends and family about bc they have since seemed to have forgotten what i’m doing the following day or the next…they forget what they are doing and look almost like a zombie…i even had great concerns that one friend was losing their mind perhaps having had a stroke or heartache. but no…all apparantly fine…one has started to talking about going on a long holiday and lots of outings…how when i will be tired and commited to treatment appointments?!there’s no understanding…no kindness for what i am going through or might be feeling.
sorry if this is a moan and groan…i’m just so shocked at how badly people react and how argumentative they are. wanted to talk about fertility issue…just told by friend that I was looking at things far to fast and early…if they’d listened they would have heard me explaining that if I need to see fetility Doctor I need to put the request in when nurse rings me this week. as it might affect start of treatment if they even feel i can wait.Looking at bras and where I might get them - my size not stocked in some places so I need to see what will be available…plus my wired bras not comfy with biopsy sites.
Sorry…i’m fed up…alone and overwhelmed with all the decisions being made for me and those that I have to make while sitting here with this thing inside of me.
could say more but I’ll not tonight…i am tired…just so… my head is full. it’s banging.
how do others keep going?
How did you get your head around all the elements to this //// situation?
can I ask for a hug and someone to just say they understand? Thank you