Am really annoyed with my GP. I went along today as, since coming off Tamoxifen in April, I have been experiencing stiffness and aching in my feet. I reckoned there was likely to be some sort of connection. She was very dismissive. She hardly examined me,asked a few questions and then said, it’s probably arthritis, there’s nothing much you can do, take painkillers, wear comfy shoes and you may need an operation further down the line. And that was it, appointment over.
I don’t know whether I am a bit oversensitive having been through BC but I felt totally lost as to what to do or say. It was so final. Anyway, I did come to my senses and ask for an x-ray which she agreed to so that I can at least be sure and then try and find a doctor who can actually talk to me about the implications if I do have arthritis. A little bit of time and sympathy from a doc goes a long way.
I still think it may be connected to the Tamoxifen as it literally started when I stopped taking it. I shall persevere. X ray on Thrusday. Will keep you posted.
Thanks for reading. I feel better for typing!
Sorry to hear that. I wonder how supportive your GP has been through your treatment or is it a new one? It’s frankly unhelpful to throw in things like you might need an operation in the future which causes anxiety.
An x-ray is a good start at least and does mean that you have the opportunity to raise it again. You could ask to be referred to a rheumatologist. She would need a good reason not to do this. If you can afford it you could ask to do that privately.
On a more practical note have you changed your shoes at all during this time - perhaps gone into sandals or something that might be the culprit? I used to have terrible pain in my feet and then was told to try ECCO shoes. Okay they’re not all the most glamorous but they do have some decent ones and that made all the difference. No foot pain since.
Hello Hatts, I am glad that you posted. My fingers are lumpy and my GP told me it was early signs of arthritis. But it is not painful. I get odd lumps on the back of my hands and near my thumbs but they come and go (slowly).
As for comfy shoes. I totally agree with Elidna. I like Ecco shoes and if my feet are comfortable I am too. Nothing worse than painful feet or uncomfortable footwear.
Let us know how you get on with your Xray results and if you find this GP unhelpful can’t you request to see another? It makes all the differnce if you have confidence in your GP and he/she listens to you and doesn’t poo poo you. Love Val
Thanks Val and Elinda. It’s so nice to be able to chat to people on this forum. What would we do without it!
It wasn’t my normal GP that I saw. She isn’t one that is normally at the surgery and I wonder if she is a locum in for the summer. I shall defenitely see my normal GP for the x ray results.
The shoes point is a very good one! I did get some new Birkenstock shoes and I wondered if they were contributing so I stopped wearing them a few weeks ago. They could be responsible though. I am generally a fairly sensible shoe wearer and hardly ever wear high heals.
I have BUPA so will definitely use it if needs be! I am only 41 and have made good use of medical services so far!
Hi Birkenstocks take alot of bedding in after about 3 weeks mine have become the comfiest things i own and are never off my feet. So persevere. I have had a battle with my GP over my desires and what he thinks over the last 3 months. He has been very good about everything else that I have gone with and emotional support when I have had my wobbles at times has been fantastic. I have arthritis since age 27 and consultants feel am too young for joint replacement surgery and “just keep taking the pills”. I started with V bad back pain 3 months ago and despite me pushing for scans GP has done everything but. Eventualy after Weekly visits to GP A&E admission (& A&E consultant writing to GP suggesting he refers me for Scan)Morphine and 2 months of weekly physio (not helping)he is sending me on 26 August for spinal MRI. Obviously I am worried that it is BC related but he is thinking it is a arthritis flare up. As most of us know when diagnosed with something the trap is to think everything else is related to that diagnosis. Sometimes you have to push and push to get what you want and not think the doctor is always right we know our bodies. The only prob with that is you dont always feel up to the fight with the professionals which is where places like this can be helpful, because others give you the impetous to fight your own corner. Guess you and I will keep fighting for what we want for a few more weeks untill we get an answer to our aches and pains. Good Luck Caz.
Goodness hopalong, you have got a battle on your hands. It’s awful that there has to be such a fight. I’ve got everything crossed for you and hope that you get a good outcome. Keep fighting!
I agree it is terrible that we have to fight for things, but i will be de-stressing on Thursday with old friends over a boozy ladies lunch so they will get to hear all my moans. They’ve taken me abroad on crutches and nightclubbing on morphine and crutches so they are used to me complaining about my aches and pains.
Had my MRI yesterday, told results normally take 3 weeks to come through so lets hope I don’t here anything soon. No news is good news, heres hoping it shows arthritic changes only. Hope you have got some answers Hatts. Take care all Caz
Hi Hatts sorry to hear you got such a flippant doctor,please continue to fight for yourself hun given the fact arthritis is a precocious condition and shows when it wants to, sometimes they diagnose by xrays but sometimes it’s by bloods and sometimes it’s by the symptoms you experience.So just like with anything else if you feel you want further investigations if the xrays don’t show it come right out and ask,don’t just accept that that must not be the reason and suffer hun.Hopefully it will show but keep pushing if it doesn’t until you find out if it is or what the real reason is xx
I also get a lot of stiffness in my feet and one ankle, which started during chemo and has not improved much since. But the last time I had this pre BC was caused by Birkenstocks - although they felt comfortable when they were on, my feet gradually got more and more painful each morning to the point where I could barely walk, and it also triggered plantar fasciitus(sp?). I now always were quite thick rubber cushioned soled shoes with a slight heal, and it seems to help.
Good luck - it’s miserable having painful feet.
The Birkenstock comments are really interesting and I am beginning to be more and more convinced that this may be the cause. I have had the one that go between the toes for years and they have been fine but this year I got the ones with just a strap over the foot. As you say Finty, they are comfy to wear but maybe they are causing the stiffness. Anyway, have stopped wearing them. X-ray results on Tuesday,but now hopeful that it’s Birkenstock-itis rather than arthritis!
Hi sorry to throw the cat amongst the pidgeons but I have found my Birkenstocks ( bought from TK Max to be the best thing since sliced bread! I just cannot wear high heels any more. I last wore low heaeled shoes to my nephews wedding and I was aching for weeks in my back and bones. But there again maybe it was me dancing the Gay Gordens and the Eightsome reel that finally did it!!
I was in Waitrose 2 weeks ago and while I was choosing my onions…I felt someone close behind me…then I realised it was the security guard…I thought does he think I am pinching the onions…then he picked up and looked at some packets of raspberries…odd I thought…he then said…excuse me can I ask you a question…what make are your shoes?..I was flumoxed…I took one off to show him…and he said they are really cool…did you buy them here…Yes I said I got them in TK Max ( not my Birkenstocks tho)…I was really flattered coz he was a young tall black guy…and was so pleased he had even noticed my shoes…gosh must have been a boring day for him that day…everytime I go in he says hello now and we have a chat…he is very handsome…pity I am old enought to be his mother/ or grandmother…and I am happily married too…haha Love Val
Well, ostioarthritis confirmed by x-ray. GP still pretty dismissive. Gave me a website address to read and that was pretty much it. Am going to go and book myself an appointment with a foot specialist to see if they can offer me anything a bit more useful.
On top of that, on the same day, I found out that I have to have a mole on my lip cut out and biopsied. Not been a good week!
Sorry to hear you are having a tough time of it Hatts. Hope all goes ok with your lip op and it is nothing to worry about. Just back from a week away. Speak soon. Val X
Just thought I’d let you all know my MRI was clear for mets and have just got 2 slipped discs and a pensioners back at the age of 37, so back to physio for me. Hope anyone else that gets results today can breath a sigh of relief.