
Please please can someone tell me what I should do about this. My tummy is so swollen I look about 7 months pregnant. I was given a ultra-sound last week because of my swollen tummy and in the process found that I have liver mets, for which this is one of the systems. This is what is making me so poorly at the moment anyway the ultra-sound showed that I have some fluid but not enough to drain so was put on water tablets.

A week later I saw my oncologist who told me to come off them as they weren’t making me go to loo more at all, he also said that the oncologists in my hospital do not like to drain you anyway for 1 because it will be imediate relief which is good but would probably come back within a couple of days alsohe said it takes all the nutrients out of my body.

Please help me with this, has anyone had the drain and did it work, please tell me of your experiences I am desperate.

Thanks for listening
Love Lisa xxxx