I think I need some advice or just a different perspective.
I am 45.
In November 24 both my breasts started being very itchy - without any obvious reason (no change of lotion, detergent, clothes etc)
I got a steroid cream for that and that has taken the worst itch.
In December I felt something in my right breast in the shower. I monitored it, could only feel it in a certain position. In February I finally contacted my GP.
The GP checked me in different positions and felt it too, but also only standing up.
She clearly said, there is something in one breast but not in the other.
Within 2 days I had a breast clinic appointment and was scheduled to see a surgeon, have mammogram and ultrasound.
The surgeon saw me and, I know it sounds silly, but I had the feeling, didn’t take me too seriously. He examined my breasts ONLY lying down, it was over in seconds. He said there is nothing, same in both breasts, normal tissue, cancelled the ultrasound but sent me for a mammogram (I have annual mammograms anyway).
Afterwards I couldn’t believe I hadn’t mentioned to him that the GP and I only felt it standing up. But it seemed all so rushed and I was a bit overwhelmed. And I thought he is the expert, he would know.
Anyway, I went to the mammogram this Monday. The sonographer looked at the picture of the bit where I had told her I had felt the “mass”, said “I see…” (I know, probably meant nothing) and wanted to send me for an ultrasound.
Then she said “oh, I see there was an ultrasound scheduled but cancelled. We have problems today anyway, but 2 specialists will check the images and if they think it is necessary, they will call you back in.”
Yesterday I got the letter online, that the mammogram is not showing anything suspicious - case closed, patient discharged.
I still feel the mass. If the GP hadn’t felt it too, I would doubt myself even more than I do already.
My mum was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 39, late. It was metastatic after she had not been taken seriously the first time she felt something and was sent home.
This is of course also playing on my mind.
I have dense tissue and have always been told that for that reason ultrasound was more effective. (I used to have annual mammogram and ultrasound from the age of 25 because of the family history - in a different country)
I know I should look at the letter and say great, move on! But the subconscious uncertainty won’t shift.
I wonder if I should ask for an US or if I am obsessing and should trust the surgeon and the mammogram?
I think I’m just wondering if someone has a similar experience?
I am well aware that most likely there is nothing or a harmless reason, but as I am not the only one who feels it, I would have needed a
Yes, we see it but it’s harmless
Instead if a
No, there’s nothing there.
Sorry for all this, I know it sounds confused.
But thank you so much for reading