Hiya All,
I’m due to start FEC 75 in ten days and was wondering if anyone had any info on it’s effect on Asthma?
I normally manage the asthma by a variety inhalers.
Very many thanks
Helen xxx
Hiya All,
I’m due to start FEC 75 in ten days and was wondering if anyone had any info on it’s effect on Asthma?
I normally manage the asthma by a variety inhalers.
Very many thanks
Helen xxx
I was dignosed with asthma in Jan 09 nd BC in Oct 09. I had FEC from Dec 09 to March 10. The worst problem I had was actually taking my inhalers as my mouth was in a bad condition and the powder from the inhalers just stuck to the inside of my mouth. The only thing the docs could suggest was using a spacer which did help. I also found I was more breathless than usual, but whether that was down to the inhaler drugs not going where is should or a reaction to the chemo, I don’t know.
If you have problems make an appointment with your GP or asthma nurse and make sure you mention it to your onc.
All the best with the chemo.
I developed adult asthma after a severe chest infection in October of 2006.
I then got a grade 3 early stage breast cancer, which was misdiagnosed for 5 months. I was finally diagnosed in January 2008 via a lumpectomy and a mastectomy followed the following month. I had FEC chemo in 6 rounds from April to August 2008 and the asthma disappeared after the first round of chemo just as my hair started falling out.
A novel cure for asthma, I know, but you never know…
Good luck with the chemo and hope all goes well.
(unreconstructed as yet, but my username helps me to dream …)
Thank you for your help, I’m ok & other than one night I’ve managed without getting too breathless.
I will mention it again to my Onc at the next appointment on Thursday.
Lots of love