Hi everyone, looking for some advice, I was 39 when diagnosed with breast cancer in 2023, ended in having a mastectomy on my Rside, I found it difficult to accept. I finished my treatment but have never been able to accept how I now look, I know this sounds so vane, but I can’t look at myself without crying, I have been for counciling but it didn’t help much, my consultant who did the operation said basically “they will look alright in your bra” this wasn’t the answer I wanted and was devastated by the attitude to this issue. I asked to see another surgeon who agreed they would do a Lside mastectomy and full reconstruction, I was made up at this! Finally an end!! but fast forward and still no surgery and it’s as tho they keep moving the goal post every time, a bar I just can’t seam to reach….so I’m looking at paying private but I don’t know what to start with? How do you do your homework on finding a surgeon? And how much could it be for implants and one side mastectomy? I just don’t know what else to do, I met with my surgeon last week who still has not given a surgery date and I felt so bad I stayed off work the rest of the week! I just want to move on and be Happier and more confident.
I know this sound ridiculous to moan about, and I am so grateful they removed the cancer, but I just can’t get past this.
We are all here to support you at the very difficult and anxious time for you.
I’m not medically trained to give advice, but have had breast cancer twice, was treated with the best care available at Guys hospital on the NHS, what I would like to say, if you can see this through without going private as the hospital who have already treated you know exactly what going on with your breasts and all the paperwork they need. You are entitled to have both breast lined up to look the same.
Maybe, have a word with your team explaining how you feel about the wait, and all the stress you are going through. Hopefully they will come up with a date for a complete reconstruction very soon.
Wishing you well, with lots of happiness for a good outcome, please come back to let us know how you’re doing.
Thank you for taking the time to reply to me, I just don’t think I can take the disappointment anymore, last week I was so excited, I truly thought that was guna be the day they confirmed surgery was going ahead, instead I was met with could I try losing weight by paying privet for the injections, and not to mention being escorted to the toilet by a nurse for a urine sample for nicotine! Honestly it was humiliating I stayed home the rest of the week crying xx
So so sorry to read this, would you please consider calling the breast cancer nurses on this site tomorrow they are so caring and understanding, will be available to advise you and point you in the right direction.
Telephone 0808 800 6000