August 2020: starting chemo.

I got my oncotype result yesterday. It was 40 which was a shock. Anyway starting chemo on 6th of August so thought I’d start this off.

I had chemo and Herceptin for a grade 2 tumour in 2012-13 so know what to expect but feel much more deflated this time round (grade 3, clear nodes, 2cm-Had mastectomy in June). I found the forum very helpful last time so hopefully we can build a useful and supportive thread this time as we head into winter with all that entails.

Hi Maire, thanks for starting the thread.  Sorry your cancer came back but you’ll be in a good position to support others.  Best wishes. X

Hi. So glad to have found this thread. Im booked in for a pre assesment 13th august but it looks like i’ll be have my first lot of chemo then too, im very nervous! Sickness is my main concern but i really hope i can cope with it all. Ive got 6 cycles every 3 weeks. Im having my hair shaven off next week too so big changes. Does anyone have advice on how to get through this? Sorry, i know it sounds stupid!