God Bless my Auntie Jill…who lost her fight this morning after being originally dx 19 years ago.
dear karen,
blessings to you in your loss, sincere condolences to all your family,it doesn’t matter how long we have someone with us we still miss them terribly when they are gone.
take care,
love and prayers to you and your family on your loss. Never easy to lose someone we love, may she rest in peace, love Debs xxx
Dear Karen
So sorry to hear about your auntie. Sending you and your family all my best wishes.
Ruby xx
Karen so sorry to hear of your aunty Jills passing.
R.I.P. Jill
Love Debsxxx
Thank you all for your msgs…my aunt fought til the very end…but did die peacefully,
she was at home…as was her wish…and we had all been sitting with her night and day…she did not want to die alone, and she didn’t
she has been an inspiration and support to me since my dx 5 years ago,…she was more than an aunt she was my friend too and I’m going to miss her so much. x
Thinking of you Karen.
So good that your aunt was such an inspiration to you.
I am pleased she died how she wanted with family around her.
Take Care
Thinking of you and the family Karen
Sleep peacefully Jill
Take care
Jackie xx