Avastin and hormonals

Having read Deirdre’s recent post I thought I would ask whether anyone else is on Avastin with hormonal treatment?

I am taking avastin, zometa, zoldex and femara.


Hi Gerry,
I am on Avastin, Taxol and Zometa.
I had Zoladex 6 years ago after my primary diagnosis for 2.5 years.
This time around, when I had Rads 6 months ago, to my back for the pain they also irradiated my ovaries to put me into menopause. I am 42. Actually it has been very good, as I have had no menopause side effects at all.

I asked my onc. last week about Femara, and she said that I was definitely not to have it while on the chemo. She actually didn’t say why, but seemed pretty adamant!

Hope that it is of help.
Best wishes,

Hi Superpen.

I started zoladex and femara after finishing tax in July. Have been having Zometa and avastin since March. Coping OK at the moment - still get a little tired though not the chemo fatigue. Have hot flushes occasionally but guess I am doing OK - my last scan showed further improvement - hopefully that will keep on going!


Gerry, that is great news that you are continuing to see improvement.

I think the issue is to do with whether you are receiving tax/avastin as part of a trial or not. When on a trial, the trails team have to be certain that it is the trial drug that is making the difference, rather than anything else. If they put other drugs in the mix then it could skew the trial findings. If you are not on a trial, then it doesn’t matter what else is thrown into the mix. I do suspect that the majority of those who are not on a trial but who are receiving Avastin may be receiving Avastin privately because of the refusal of NICE to approve it, but I don’t know this for a fact.
