Hi all, 52yr old female who feels like they’re falling apart, with one health issue after another. Found a lump in my left breast 18th Feb about 2x 3cm in size, hadnt noticed it before. I had a fibroadenoma removed when I was 19 and the curent lump sits below that scar line but deeper within the breast.
Sat on it for 2 days before contacting my Gp for an appointment and received an appointment that same day. I was told i was being referred to the breast clinic and told it would be flagged onto the 2 week wait list but to expect upto 4 weeks for possible investigations.
Noted on the NHS app on 27th Feb that the primary GP had only sent the e-referral that afternoon ( 5.23pm). On seeing this I was upset due to a delay in this referral being sent.
So ive sat on my NHs app, watching and waiting, with a message saying to ring on the 3rd March if i hadnt heard anything. So Ive rung today and told the Breast Nurse are reviewing my referral, which is fine. They were able to confirm that the referrer was received on the 27th and not the 20th when i had seen the doctor. I wish the doctor at the time would have said they needed the senior GP to oversee and submit the referral.
Ive been at work, going thru the motions of family life ( have a lovely daughter who recently turned 13, whose very perceptive) as much as i put on a brave face my anxiety levels are thru the roof. I just want a specialist to alleviate my worries.
How long have others had to wait for an appointment from time of referral?
Many thanks for letting me ramble, i was exactly the same all those years ago but older to know that fibroadenoma arent frequently common in over 50yr olds.
Hi @beanie2
The waiting is worst thing ever , I think it’s the most talked about topic , I waited just over 2 weeks for appointment I think it also depends on your trust . I went a one stop clinic so all tests were in one day .
So many people can relate to you it’s hard to relax so many things go through your mind ,hope you get your appointment soon
Try and relax and enjoy family life .
Take care Xxx
As already said, typically it is a 2 week wait and a one stop shop. All investigations are done at the same appointment, often with an indication of what the situation may be by the end. Waiting is so hard, we all feel for you. Keep busy, that’s how I coped. Best wishes.
My referral appointment letter came through within 2 weeks, but the actual appointment date was about 4 weeks later. As mentioned in previous post, it does vary a little by health board.
The waiting is awful, and it’s natural for us to worry and our minds race through all the different scenarios. Everyone on here has experienced it and will other any support they can.
I found a lump May last year, and diagnosed in June. It was without doubt the worst part of this journey. Roll on 7 months, I finished Radiotherapy and now getting back to some normality. The big ‘C’ is difficult, lots of up and downs - but there are good outcomes and I say that to offer some comfort and hope.
Women at our age (I’m 50) can still get fybro lumps (can’t spell it) so hopefully just a little benign lump for you
I waited 3 weeks for first appointment due to Christmas
Another week for results
A further 2 weeks for an op
2.5 weeks more for results of the op
Another 2.5 weeks for genetic testing appointment which is next
Will then be waiting on those results…… 2 to 12 weeks potentially
I’ve been referred to the oncologist but no appointment yet. Don’t think I will get one till end March maybe beginning of April earliest? I suspect they will wait for the results of the genetics to work out best treatment that’s what I’m telling myself anyway.
Everything seems to happen so fast initially and then there is a lot of waiting and stressing and no real management of timescales which for me has been really bad for my mental health.
My one bit of advice is to always ask them roughly, what is the anticipated timescale of whatever next step you are waiting for. That’s really helped me plan and prepare - some people might not want to know but for me it’s been a game changer and allowed me to take back some control of my life.
I learned very quickly that they don’t tend to give you any ETAs unless you ask. That meant I was sat at home worrying and crying, unable to do anything productive or relax. I was literally stuck in limbo and was so scared I didn’t recognise myself or my life.
They don’t it deliberately, they genuinely don’t know with some tests and results, but I found there are other things they do know you just have to ask. I think they sometimes forget to manage people’s expectations. It’s certainly not deliberate and they do know what they are doing being subject matter experts, but these are complex issues and individuals they are dealing with so it can be a challenge.
Hope that helps and that you get the results soon.
I was 58years and they biopsied two areas, one was IDC but the other was a fibrodema so older ladies do get them, I also have many cysts. In fact they had to aspirate one before they could insert my magseed for surgery which the radiographer doing the ultrasound was unusual.
Thanks you for your words of wisdom.
I think as a delay from seeing the gp to the actual referral being submitted leads to a delay in getting onto the waiting list just threw me a bit.
As ive been unwell the last 12 month’s with other health issues, ive felt ive taken a battering physicslly aswell as mentally.
I can see you have had lots of useful information, for our other lovely ladies. I feel this was down to the delay from your GP. Let’s hope an appointment will be with you very soon.
Wishing you well, take one day at a time, very easy for me to say, the waiting game is endless.
Hi @beanie2, I went to GP day after I found breast change and like you was told appointment in 2 weeks. I was painfully aware that 2 weeks landed the week before xmas and when appointment didnt come through within 2 weeks I started calling every morning looking for a cancellation, which I got within a week. Scans were done at the appointment, didnt like what they saw and did biopsies the same day (21st December). The Dr told me that day she was 99% sure it was cancer from the scans. Two weeks later I saw the surgeon (the oncologist was on annual leave) who told me the treatment plan, then there was MRI, CT, and more biopsies (this time on other breast). This sounds like a it would have been done over a long time but from the day I saw my GP to when I had my first chemo was only 9 weeks.
My advise is keep calling for a cancellation as there are so many bugs about just now that people sometimes have no choice but to cancel, you may strike it lucky and get seen sooner. Whatever the outcome, good luck.
Sorry to hear you’ve found yourself in this position. Keeping everything crossed it’s a benign cause and you can breathe a deep sigh of relief.
The mind spirals out of control with all the waiting, but keep in mind that so many breast lumps are benign. I also think that when you have your mammo/ultrasound appointment you get a clearer idea of what they’re looking at, so hopefully they’ll be able to reassure you then.