I was refered to the breast clinic as I had noticed a small dent on my left breast. During the examination the Doctor found a lump which she thought was a cyst so sent me down for an ultrasound. The Doctor carrying out the ultrasound said it wasn’t a cyst and that it was probably a fibroadenoma. However, she needed to do a biopsy to check, which she did then and there. She had no concerns about the small dent.
I am now waiting for the results which I should have by the end of the week. I have two young children and I am petrified that it is BC, how certain can the doctor be from looking at the ultrasound that it is a fibroadenoma? I know I shouldn’t but I can’t stop googling it and can’t really focus on anything else at the moment. The whole thing has been a bit of a shock and Friday cannot come soon enough!
Thanks in advance for any advice x