Awaiting Biopsy

Hi everyone, 

I am 32 with a history of multiple fibroadenomas. The largest of my 4 was biopsied and it came back benign in 2020. Fast forward to present day, they have found a 5th hypo-echoic mass with angular margins and I need another biopsy. This one gives me a bad feeling because the margins are completely different than my other tumors. The radiologist marked it as a B-Rad 4 while my last biopsied mass was 4c. 

Has anyone with a history of fibroadenomas had a malignant parallel hypoechoic mass with angular margins?  

Hi LizzySunflower,

Thank you for your post.

I am sorry you haven’t had any responses yet.

I am hoping my response will help our members to see your post and offer their experience.

In the meantime, please remember that if you ever need to talk things through, our breast care nurses are here and happy to chat. You may also want to post your post here for our nurses to see.

Sending you our warmest wishes,
