Awaiting diagnosis

Hi…I feel like a cheat joining as I am not diagnosed as yet… this week will drag …I had a lump in my R side for over 6mths, GP wasn’t convinced but as my blood results are rubbish I insisted he refers me to breast clinic, and they found something in L too… what a blow that was… I had uss guided biopsy of R a week ago…and mammogram guided of L yesterday… I decided to wait untill both results are back and discussed in MDT before I go back for app, as initially consultant wanted me to come to discuss R first…but how can I go through results app twice…I feel sick in my stomach just thinking about it and worse of all I myself work in healthcare …I see and treat/take care of patients every day…how do I stop being a nurse and becoming a patient… 

Waiting for results is just the pits .I can understand you not wanting to go through that twice ! Having some knowledge through your job does not prepare you for being the person on the receiving end :frowning_face: Have they given you any timescale to work towards ? X