Hi. First time posting here. I discovered a lump 2 weeks ago today. Went to the doctor on the Tuesday and got an appointment at the hospital on the following Thursday. So all nice and quick but still found it hard to sleep with worrying. Got to hospital and after an examination had mammogram followed by an addition mammogram followed by a third mammogram. By the time I had been called in for the third time I was fairly sure that this was not normal. I then had ultrasound followed by the most painful core biopsy on both, yes both lumps. After a short wait I was called in to see the consultant who explained that although the results wouldn’t be in for a week they were fairly sure that the lumps were cancerous. I asked why they were so sure sure and apparently they made this assumption based on my mammogram score of 4 and my ultrasound score of 5. Ok so I know I have to wait for the biopsy rests to be absolutely certain but this is not looking good. I am having so much trouble sleeping not just through worry but also because I sleep on my side and it is do bruised and tender I can’t get comfy. Just looking for some support and reassurances really
Hi Mrscaladan,
Sorry you find yourself here. It’s awful being in what we call the ‘waiting room’. It sounds like you went through the mill last week but also like they were very thorough in their examinations, which is good. I had five biopsies and like you was told they were suspicious and most likely cancerous. I totally understand the emotions you are feeling but once you have your results and a plan of action you will hopefully feel a sense of relief. I found Bach rescue remedy to be a god send during the early days
Let us know how you get on.
Take care and hugs
Emma x
i was also told it looked certain to be cancer before the biopsies came back and it was.The waiting is hard but when you get a plan for treatment it helps.I am now 5 years since diagnosis so like so many of the ladies on here there is life after diagnosis, take someone with you to get your results as you may forget what is discussed, i certainly did,
wishing you all the best x
Hi, I am just ahead of you, have my operation date of 1st July. It does help to have a plan. With regard to sleeping on your side, three pillows and then roll one under the armpit this should lift you a bit and help
Just read your post and it sounds like you have been through the mill with your biopsies.
Wanted to give you a tip about sleeping. I had a WLE on right and recon both on 5th June. I also sleep on my side so whole process has been difficult. However my BCN suggested a V shaped pillow before surgery, which I bought from Dunelm for £9.99. This has been my saviour. I have V shaped on top of a normal pillow with a normal pillow on top of that. As you get comfy you find that you sort of wedge yourself in but the legs of the V protect you both sides. It’s wonderful. I have slept well apart from one night in 2 weeks. Worth a try.
Best of luck with your journey
JF x
Thanks for your comments guys. I am going through stages of feeling really upbeat and positive and then wanting to just bawl my eyes out. I haven’t let myself cry yet because I am never on my own for long enough and am trying to present a brave face. I will try the v pillow for sleeping tonight as the bruising is still very bad (cannot believe how many colours my boob has gone). Only 3 days more to wait now. Will take hubby with me for support and note taking. Thanks for the support
Not sure how i update this or whether this post should now go into a different forum but here goes. I got the diagnosis on Thursday that I have grade 1 invasive ductal carcinoma. So this is good news really because it could be so much worse. Although I found one lump, apparently i have 4 lesions varying in size from 16mm down to 3mm (tiny). Because there are 4 separate lesions spread across the breast my consultant has said that I need a mastecomy followed by radiation treatment. I am booked in for 3 weeks time and that will in effect be it. I will be lopsided, unable to go to the gym and hopefully cured! No reconstruction offered at this point because apparently radiography will damage reconstruction so more surgery is definitely on the cards. I will be having sentinel lymph node something or other so if that turns out ok I will not need additional surgery there either. It seems that I have got a good version of cancer and I am remaining positive and upbeat on this as much as I can. Kids and hubby need me to be upbeat and positive…still scared though
Hi Mrscaladan
I’m sorry to read of your diagnosis, the first few days and weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with things.
As well as the support you receive here you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-
Also, do give the helpline a ring. Here you can share your concerns with a member of sataff who will offer you emotional support as well as practical information. The number is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 10-2 Saturday.
Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator