Following a routine mammogram and a follow up appointment I have been told that I have DCIS. I have an operation booked for 23rd August which will also include a reconstruction.
Amongst many concerns, the main one at the moment is that 3 1/2 weeks after my operation I am booked to go on a family holiday aboard a cruise ship which will include my nieces wedding where my daughter is going to be a bridesmaid.
Can anyone tell me please if I am likely to be ok eg. Will my wounds have healed, will I be able to wear a bra, will I be able to wear padding to even myself out etc ?
I was only diagnosed three weeks ago but it feels like three months! I haven’t been able to tell many people as my mother is on holiday and I wanted to tell her myself and couldn’t take the risk of her finding out from someone else. She will be home next week so I will be able to tell people and hopefully start to feel a little more supported.
I have been told that I will have to have radiotherapy for four weeks afterwards and take a tablet for five years. I will also have to wait for results after the operation to see if I need chemotherapy. After, when everything is healed I will then go back for reconstruction of the other breast to balance things out.
i would really like to hear from other women who have gone through the same as me. Like I said, I haven’t discussed this with many people and am feeling a little isolated and confused.
Hi Hayley
Welcome to the place no one wants to be. It’s a really good place to ask advice and also vent all your worries. My story sounds similar to yours. I was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago with DCIS and had surgery on the 14th July with Imm implant reconstruction. I had a holiday booked for the end of Aug to Italy which I have ended up cancelling. However, I also have a weekend booked away this coming Friday and I am determined I will be there! So far, I am healing really well after surgery. I had surgery on the Thurs and came home on the Sat with 2 drains, one of which has now been removed. To be honest the drain at the moment is the worse thing as obviously it has to be taken wherever you go! Also the hospital had run out of drain bags so they presented me with a very fetching neon pink gift bag! It looks like I am having red wine intravenously fed into me! If the drain was out I would be definitely going back to work tomorrow, but I know some people who are still struggling 3 weeks later. Going back to the holiday, it was personal choice to cancel the Italy trip. The Breast Care Nurse did say it was up to me, but chemo is a very real possibility for me so I decided to cancel and rebook something once I’m at the other end of the journey. Speak to your nurse as they will give excellent advice. My nurse said many people do go on holidays and work treatment etc round that.
I have to wear a sports bra 24/7 until I go back for results etc. I’ve not needed to pad mine out as my boobs are small anyway so sorry, I can’t help with that question.
I have kept my diagnosis quite private for now, only telling the people who need to know for the time being.
I hope I’ve helped a bit and not confused you!
Big hugs
Sarah x
I’m 3 1/2 weeks on from right mx and implant recon - physically healing very well, just have to be a bit careful re what I lift etc on that side. Have just come on holiday for a week (in UK) with no issues or regrets so far - get tired a bit more easily than usual but nothing major. I’m not rushing back to work but that’s partly because I also had major surgery earlier this year and am making sure I am well physically and emotionally before tackling what is a stressful job. I’m small breasted and didn’t wear any bra (just a camisole type vest) for first couple of weeks as felt more comfie that way but have started wearing stretchy sports bra now I’m more active again - bcn said just to go with whatever felt right for me. Hope this helps and that your surgery and any future treatment go well xx
Hi Hayley
I really hope that you get to go on your holiday as if you are up to it - it will give you something to look forward to. I really feel for you in that you have not been able to vent and tell people (at least until your mum comes home) because the support that you get will help you through difficult times.
My story is similar to yours - 3 yearly mammogram etc etc. I have yet to see my plastic surgeon but my BC nurse says I could go into hospital at any time within four weeks from the initial consultation with the breast surgeon well the first week is gone so that leaves three weeks!
My stepsons’ wedding is in two weeks and right now I’m not even sure if I will be there for it - I will chase up my BC nurse tomorrow because things need to be planned for.
Unlike you I have been able to vent and talk to people because it adds to the reality for me and this site is a godsend for information and help from people who have already been there. Your mum will be home soon and you’ll be able to talk, cry, hug or whatever is needed - no one should feel isolated at this time and we are all here to help each other.
I’m 21 days post et mx and DIEP reconstruction for DCIS diagnosis. I was in hospital for 5 days and left with all drains removed. I’ve needed full care for the first 10 days at home but I’ve had a DIEP so not sure what your recon is? I can’t fly for 8 weeks due to DVT risk from such extensive surgery and I have weekly dressing appointments for a few more weeks yet. However, at week 3 I’m now almost upright and can walk about the house and in the garden with only very limited help. I do hear of some getting seromas after a few weeks and I had one after my sentinel lymph node biopsies but so far so good. A slight different situation but hope its of some help. Good luck with your treatment xx